we have finally got a lead ont that mother f***** ( chapter 4 )

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ray's P.O.V.

Adam is not so far a head i can feel it for a serial killer he is pretty smart but not smart enough , he really did forgot he raised us just like him. boy Jacob was right they really don't learn.   (minutes later) we have arrived but we need a plan Jacob  do u have one i mind 

Jacob: well since i know this place at the back of my head let me see , well we can go through the back because dumb ass Adam doesn't normally have guards at the back door, when we enter  depends on where they are jazzi has to text trey to tell us her location to see witch way to go we don't want any and everyone to see us right. so we get the girl and make a run for it but make sure we do it smartly e don't want Adam to see us.

trey: um Jake (short for Jacob) um are we gonna deal with Adam

Jacob: no we are not we have to focus on the girls right now

Craig: but if he sees us

Jacob: well we will have to go back for him and finish him but give the girls a gun each to keep them protected so walk with extra guns .

ray: even give chi a gun  u know who she is .

Jacob:yes damn it the girls are gonna take care of her.

Craig:man OK just be cool man take it easy we are going to get through this with an ease. 

Christina's P.O.V. 

imma text trey cause jazz is pretty busy trying to sort out things for us. OK (texts trey saying) hey trey its Christina we are still alive but wen y'all come for us go through the back door take a left them go straight and take a right and here we are in a room a dark room it has a metal door . hurry it seems we gonna suffocate in here.(message sent )

trey's P.O.V.

Jacob bruh come here for  a sec .(Jacob came) 

Jacob: wats up trey 

trey: the girls just text me the and they gave us the direction but....

Jacob: but what?

trey: they are in great trouble so the plan has to move quickly and even if Adam sees up we have go before he shoots or do anything of the sort. 

Jacob : *put on a face* 

everyone: yeah bruh i know that we all do your thinking of something. wat is ? do you wanna talk about it?

Jacob: oh guys its nothing just thinking  if we are going to make it out alive , just think about chi.

Craig : man we now u love her but don't think about the odds or the negative  just think positive OK maybe we will kill a few guys maybe we will get spotted  or maybe......

ray: hey Craig that's enough OK the point is we are going to make it out alive give or take ok if one of us goes we all go got it.

everyone: OK 

china P.O.V.

so jazzi um... Trey coming right  as i told jazzmaine out of fright but i kept strong

jazz: OK course chi  they already got there plan so its all good babes no need to worry

china: OK i thought u were gonna say your not sure because i would of caught a heart attack wow i am relieved. 


so the guys are ready to make there move surprisingly they are no guards at the back door... so we are in. its not like i remembered it is much cooler now . that figures why did the girls say they where hot  hmm something is not right , i got to put my finger on it. 

Craig: okay we have to take the left turn. hey wait move .

everyone: wats wrong ?? 

Craig: the guards they spotted us get your guns out. everyone did as i say.

you: they got closer and closer as BOOM!! BANG BANG !!  Jacob didn't hesitate he shot all three men in the head and they laid in a pool of their own blood. i could really see he wanted her , i have never seen him act like this over anything when our parents died which was the same day he didn't even act like this. maybe he is pissed off because Adam has another person he cares about. poor Jacob i cant bare to see him like this.  we had to take the dead corpse in a nearby room. this room is where the boys and i use to hide from Adam if we ever got in trouble he was never able to find us those where the good ole times.                      (1 hour later ) 

Jacob was leading of course and then BOOM we heard a gunshot and i got a text for Christina saying  they where just playing a round and that the guards got china shot her and left her on the ground. shit shit shit this was not apart of the plan not at all. this was bad really bad  i called Jacob he came. hey um i have bad news for you .                        (to be continued in chapter 5 )

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