The Beginnings

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Sirens wail outside, some yells are heard but everything goes quiet. Then sudden heavy breaths and footsteps are heard. It was a white mask bomber.

"Fuck off!" The bomber yells afraid but there was no reply. He slowed down and found a room that still had a door and closed it. The bomber sat down leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.

The sounds of more lighter footsteps of a group are heard approaching. The bomber started to freak out and tried to find a place to escape. There was a locked window on a wall to the outside and the bomber ran up to it and looked down to only see a large drop aprox 20 or so meters.

"No no no no no" the bomber was getting more despret and tried to look for somewere else. On the other side of the door the groups foot steps stoped. The bomber tried to hide inside of a closet thinking they would think he jumped out the window.

"RED active if it runs on batteries ill see it" a voice wispered "bomber and thats it" the voice said again. The bomber started to freak out again and he just collapsed against the wall and started to cry in fear.

The door was smashed in by a sledge hammer and the only one of the group went in for safety reasons. The bomber looked up and at the operator sniffling and holding his detonator

"This is my job and ill do it" he said in a soft tone and pulled the charge handle blowing him up and wounding the operator.

Meanwhile on the other side of the complex another bomber was leading a group of about 4 in a retreat. "We need to move NOW" the bomber yelled in a russian accsent.

They eventually found their trucks they drove in on and the regular grunts jumped in the back apart from one who was in the driver seat. The bomber got in the passenger seat and pulled up a radio.

"Mission failed I've got 4 with me were are going back to base" he said "you fucking dipshits dont deserve to live, exspect a bad time from command" a voice replies pissed off.

The driver lookes at the bomber afraid and said scared "we should have died" the bomber looked at him and shook his head "no we did good, they were better" he said in a reassuringly.

The bomber looked at the rest who were all in fear. "Hey i know a place were we can chill for a bit and go off the radar" he said. The others looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Put it in the gps" the driver said and the bomber put in a location.

(Time skip)

The truck pulled to a stop in the middle of nowhere at an old cottage and the bomber was the first to get out

The snow crunched under his feet as  he walked up to a brick pathway and pulled up a brick grabbing a key. He walked up to the door and unlocked it walking in followed by the other grunts.

"Just letting you know my name is Adrian or just 'posvyatit' but dont worry about it" he said as he was pulling off his gear. "Well im glad you showed us this place" one grunt said also taking off his gear.

The bomber walked off to the kitchen seeing if the was still food left here. To his luck there was some canned food. As he found a fork he sat down at the table and started to eat not caring what it was.

Outside there was one grunt just chilling watching the snow fall quietly. Off in the distance there looked to be a car pulling up with two people stepping out whith what looked like guns.

"Hey i think they are just hunters" a grunt said to the other, "we shall see" he replied as he stood there seeing what they were doing.

The bomber walked outside with cloaths more suiting the conditions and said "hey get something to eat and get in more civilian cloaths, dont want to draw to much suspicion"

The two grunts nodded and went inside as the bomber sat down with a pistol in his hand. Meanwhile the two people were hiking up the driveway.

The bomber stood up and walked out putting his gun in his jacket not to draw suspicion. The two what looked to be hunters gave a friendly wave.

As they got up to Adrian one was female and the other was a male, they were in what looked to be winter cloathing so Adrian didnt find them suspicious.

"Hello i didnt know that people would be up here now due to how early it was in the season" the female said with a small smile, "so you are hunters i assume".

"Yes we are so is it just you or do you have friends" the males said "yes i do have friends here, we can packup and make it more neater if you are staying here" Adrian said trying to sound friendly "you dont have to, there is another shack a bit up" the female said politely

"If there is a drivable track i can give you a lift up there" Adrian asked, "that could be helpful if you dont mind" the male said "well let me tell the others and we can get it done" Adrian replied walking back inside

"Hey im taking these hunters up a bit so dont worry" Adrian called out to the others but he only got a couple of waves in reply and he walked out to the car and started it up and waited

The two hunters put there stuff in the back and the male jumped in the back with the stuff as the female sat in front with Adrian

(Bang a first chapter has been compleated for the record)

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