One Last Good One (Part 2 of 3)

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The plane landed and the familar icy feeling struck on my face, I missed this place it suck that the only reasion im back is because of this. We where quickly escorted to an armoured truck and we piled in as I checked over my ammunition. I had enough to kill a small town, this will be fun. The truck started up and quickly drove off down the roads of Moscow. It may have only been ten minutes but it felt like several hours when we finaly pulled up. A couple of Spetsnaz operators aproached us "{Hello, as you know there is a large amount of White Mask terriorist that are heavily armed and dangerous. And there are bombs, so we are equiping you with highly advanced defuser, it will stop a whole floor of these bombs but we only have one due to it being a prototype}" everyone nodded except for Kidd, he must not know russian but Kapkan quickly explains what he said.

We decided to split into pairs: Me and Tachanka, Kapkan and Kidd, Fuze and Finka, Glaz was told to do his sniping thing and we all set off onto our respected floors: bomb floors was with Kapkan and Kidd, Finka and Fuze handled the mask only floors and Tachanka and I would set out for the hostages. We started on the bottom floor of the building where the hostages where belived to be the most, and we where correct.

A mass of bullets flew over our heads with us ducking down, Tachanka had his lmg become un-mounted for this mission and he crouched down letting loose the 70 bullets from the dinner plate. I followed in suit as I crouched and let my PKM rest on its bipod and let loose with close accurate shots killing the rest in the heavily populated room. We both stood up as we continued to the hostages and there was only five, none of whom I wish was there....fuck. We continued slowly on the floor taking out masks quickly but at some point me and Tachanka where seperated and I was unable to get in contact with him.

As I kicked in the door to the next room there stood infront of me two bombers in the hallway along with three regular grunts and a grunt holding an lmg. Quickly shuffleing to the side a flurry of bullets went through the door and the familar sound of a bombers vest being primed chirped. So I stood back and held out a grenade and unpinned it throwing it into the room. "OH SH-" the grenade went off at ones feet killing a unknown number. Peeking the corner I took a bombers head off with a shot from the PKM, poor thing laid on the floor trying to reach for its detonator. As I made my way into the hallway there was the mask heavy trying to drag himself away to safety but I just simply walked up to him and shot him to end the suffering. There was blood stains heading through a door way, of someone being dragged and the other bombers heavy breathing signifies who was the hurt one. I simply walked into the room, only the bomber and one mask friend bleeding from shrapnel was there. The bomber looked up at me, his eyes now lifeless but the other had worry and fear in him.

The bomber kept on looking at me, but something wasnt right. He lifted up his hand and pulled the detonation switch and I was able to get to the doorway unharmed. However the bombers savior was heard screaming for help, for anyone. As I re-entered the mask was crying for help, leaning up against the wall I leaned on. He was missing his legs and his guts where on the floor and when he looked up all was seen was the sorrow and pain in his eyes. I aimed up my lmg and shot him in the head, for a mearcy killing. "Why does it have to be this way" I felt defeated inside, I pulled up a chair from the room and sat there with the PKM reasting up against my thigh. I needed a moment yes it was in the middle of a siege but seeing him broke me inside. He died to young the poor kid...... Im sorry.

There where some footsteps im the hallway and the familiar rattle of Tachanka gun echoed in the hallway. He mustn't see me like this so I stood up and put my hand out the door and yelled "{friendly}" and Tachanka sighed "{Fallout, I thought I lost you}" and I poked my head out the door, he was stepping over the bodies from my grenade. He moved his hand pointing for me to move ahead and I do as instructed.

We had gotten all hostages out from the floor and we made our way up more floors as Glaz seen civilians being moved from a hostage location. When we got up there there was dead terriorists on the floor from the clean headshots from glaz. As we moved we cleared out every room until we came across a lounge room area where several hostages where kept, and many masks. Another gunfight insued as we revolved in fire, what shook me was Tachankas helmet making a loud POING sound as a bullet hit his visor. He was a bit rattled but we kept on firing back. It took allot of ammunition but be cleaned the room and we had started escorting hostages outside. When we did they all ran to the first Spetsnaz operator, police officer or family member they seen.

But Glaz told us to move back in as he has seen three hostages two floors from the top, there was only five terriorists so Tachanka stayed down and cleared other floors and I oushed up the the door. And when I reached the floor Kidd was clearing rooms. And he aimed his pistol at me but quickly lowered it seeing me. I he pointed to the last two rooms and we decided to breach and clear at the same time. As I kicked down the door with my lmg aimed I was met with the crying, bloodied face of...... Alexi. No, no, no this cant be true then I was greated by her, MY FUCKING SISTER.

(Hey its me, Im getting close to ending this book so if you havent check out Sneaky2020 book "night hunter" as it is the other point of view of this book and he is a good writer in general so just take a read)

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