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  Adrians pov
I opened my eyes as best as I could, there wasnt much to see. Only just my ruined bomber suit. Surprisingly my wounds have been patched up for basic survival. "I see your finally awake" a voice said. I looked up to see an african american in a black suit holding some papers in her hands.

"Who are you, were have you taken me?" My voice sounded coarse and dry, how long has it been? "At this time it doesnt matter who i am but you are currently at an NATO base in Europe" She said. All i could think was now how long has it been. I tried to shift around but i was strapped in this chair really tight.

"Dont bother trying to move" she said. I just sighed and just looked down at my feet looking at every detail on the dusty concrete floor abd every dried drop of blood over my suit. "Ok now im going to give you a chance" she said, "what for?" I asked blindly, "to see the sunlight ever again" she replied coldly with no emotion whatsoever.

"So answer me these questions. Whats your name, age and background?" She asked but I only looked at her with a smirk "{my name is Adrian go fuck yourself, im 1002 years old and im russian}". She sighed and spoke to the glass mirror "get kapkan or tachanka please".

After a couple of minutes a man walked in, he was wearing some russian uniform with a balaclava. "You called six?" He asked "yes thank you for coming so quick Tachanka" he only gave her a nod and looked at me "do you need me do beat the shit out of him?" he asked "not now, i just need a translater" she replied. "Ok once again what is your name, age and background" she asked again with a smile.

"{Once again my name is Adrian go fuck yourself and im 183 years old}" I replied smirking. This made the man they call tachanka clench his fistand he replied in russian "{speak like that again and ill rip your throat out"}. Six just looked at us confused waiting for tachanka to translate. He looked at her and spoke "he trying to be a smartass".

Six sighed "listen im trying to help you. Can you tell me anything about any future attacks or bases so i dont need to use more physical techniques" . "I know your lieing, why would you help a terrorist let alone a suicide bomber" there was disgust in my voice and six sighed again.

"{Listen if you comply I'll convince six to possibly join us to get out of prison}" Tachanka said looking at him, I was clear he wasnt lieing I can tell by his eyes. "{You will realy do this, but why im a mask of all people!}" I said a bit louder in a small shout "{because you dont give up, I heard of your effort given even if you failed}" all I could do was stare at my feet again in disapointment at my failure. "Fine I give up" I sighed in defeat.

Time skip brought to you by Adrian explaining whitmask shit
Pov 3rd
It over, im done explaining lets hope Tachanka isnt lieing Adrian thought to himself. "Six may we speek outside for a second please" Tachanka asked six quietly. Six nodded and stood up walking out the door with Tachanka close behind. When they got outside Tachanka closed the door "so Tachanka what do you need to speek about?" Six asked

"Well he has been a help to use, ge is resilient, strong and i belive he would make a good operator. So I think he should join" Tachanka said quietly to six hopefull "are you suggesting that that we let him join rainbow?" six asked. "Yes six, we have done it before with Spade so there would be atleast be more of a unit instead of a one man team" tachanka simply replied. six nodded and walked away the last thing she said was "well you introduce him to everything and I'll sort out his gear."

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