Quick Recovery

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3rd pov
Tachanka waited till six was out of view then he walked back into the room with a relieved look on his face. Addian sat there wondering how it went and when Tachanka entered looked up at him with hope. "Well six is ok with letting you join, but right now ill be more worried about getting you to doc" Tachanka said walking over and undoing the straps on Adrians chair.

Adrian nodded not knowing what to say as he waited for Tachanka to get the remaining straps off. Once Tachanka finished he helped get Adrian up and he held him up with his arm which was over his shoulder and walked to the medbay.

On the was they got mixed stares but no one dared to question Tachanka. Once they got to the medbay Tachanka looked around for doc and once found him he spoke "hey doc im going to need help with our new friend". Doc looked up and at Adrian and spoke with shock "what happened to you!?" "He was the captured bomber from earlier" Tachanka replied. Doc nodded and got him to sit on the medical bench.

Time skip brought to you by me not knowing medical stuff.
Tachankas pov

When doc had finished working on Adrian he had passed out so I decided it would be best to tell a friend about his new ctu member. As I made my way down the hallways I kept getting glares of confusion and one or two glares of disgust. I dont care, I made the right choice...... did I?

Pov 3rd

Tachanka made his way to a door and knocked on it. After a couple of seconds the opeartor spade (a character I made up) opened the door. He had on a face mask, dark hoodie, geans and some joggers and he had a height that made tachanka look up.

"Yes Alexandr what would you like?" He asked "nothing much I just needed to let you know that you have a new ctu member" Tachanka replied. He looked at Tachanka in suprise not knowing what to say, he was happy but also confused but he kept a straight face.

"He is currently in the medbay revovering from Glaz's accuracy" Tachanka said with a small snicker, "can you tell me any details about him?" The spade asked with curiosity in his voice. "All I know is that his name is Adrian, he was a suicide bomber and he is russian" Tachanka said starting to walk away and he gave spade a wave before disappearing.

Hey whats this? another time skip!?!??!

Around a day later Adrian had woken up. To his suprise doc was still there sorting through some notes. He had noticed Adrian and walked over to him. "Hello Adrian, Ive been checking on your status for a while now, and it apears that you have recovered quite well. Ill give you some painkillers for now and you should be free to move around" he said doing last checks over his papers. Adrian simply nodded and he tried to move, he was considerably stiff in his joints and he was better patched up. Adrian had the painkillers doc gave him and he stood up and walked away very clumsily.

When he got out of the medbay spade was already there waiting for him and he gave Adrian a small nod and motioned him to follow. Of course he followed and he looked around the place in wonder.

The further spade walked the more muxed stares they got and Adrian was now getting on edge. Spade seeing this slowed down and walked next to Adrian and in a low whisper he said "dont worry the same thing happened to me, you just have to earn their trust".

They continued until they reached their units dorm and they entered. Spade went to do his own things but before his did he said "there are cloaths in the draw next to your bed, have a shower and you know the rest".

"Sure thing" Adrian replies as he collected his cloathsheading towards the shower. From then on for the night he reflected on his past time with the masks and what is happeneing right now.

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