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Donna woke up the same way she has every morning for the past 15 years, in her bedroom in the hotel she owned, and to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. But this morning she felt different. She woke up with great anticipation, little worry, and no anxiety. Another thing was different; when she awoke she was wrapped up in the arms of the love of her life, Sam Carmichael. Once her eyes focused she looked up at him as he was intently watching her. She leaned up and kissed him.

"Good morning, Mrs. Carmichael." Sam said beaming with pride.

"Mrs. Carmichael...you have no idea how much I love hearing that." Donna replied with a very content smile on her face.

"You have no idea how happy I am to say it." Sam replied followed with a very passionate kiss.

Once the kiss broke, Donna asked a question that was on her mind.

"What were you thinking about when you were watching me when I woke up?" Donna asked.

"I was watching you sleeping thinking that I can't believe this is real. I have spent so many nights and mornings dreaming of this moment, and the moment is here, it is not a dream. I was also thinking you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."

Donna's eyes started to tear up and she responded the best way she knew how to, by giving him a sweet kiss that turned into another that turned into another and each one grew with passion and need. In between kisses she kept saying, "I love you." As things started to heat up AGAIN, they heard several knocks on the door followed by two women saying, "Okay, you two lovebirds it is time to get up so we can have some girl talk. You have the rest of your lives to have sex!"

Donna hesitantly broke away from Sam leaning her forehead against his, both of them smiling.

"While we may have the rest of our lives to have sex, it has been 21 years, and I can't seem to get enough of you." Donna said.

"Hopefully you never will." Sam replied with a kiss.

"Come on, come on, we need dish!" Tanya yelled outside the door.

Both Donna and Sam sat up.

"You go have your girl talk, I am going to take a shower, and I have an errand I need to run." Sam told his bride.

"Ok, but don't be gone too long." Donna said as she reluctantly let Sam go.

"Girls, I will be out in 5 minutes."

Donna got up out of bed, and started to get ready. She decided she better not shower with Sam, or else neither of them would ever leave. Donna finished getting dressed and brushing her hair as Sam was finishing up his shower and getting dressed. They walked out of the bedroom together.

"See you soon." Sam said with a kiss to Donna's cheek as she smiled.

Donna walked out to the Taverna, "Okay girls, you have torn me away from the sexiest man in the world, this better be good!"

"YOU'RE MARRIED!" They both screamed at the same time.

Donna was taken aback by this, the statement seemed to come out of the blue, but then she realized they all hadn't had a chance to process the previous evening's events.

"I KNOW!" Donna said as they all started jumping up and down.

"I can't believe it. I have always wondered what it would be like to be Mrs. Sam Carmichael, now I get to find out!"

"Don, we are both really happy for you, you deserve all the happiness in the world." Tanya said.

"He just better treat you right or he is going to have to answer to the Dynamos." Rosie said.

"We have both waited so long to be together, we aren't going to screw it up this time."

"Our purpose for this girl talk isn't just to get the dish..." Rosie said.

"Which we need more of by the way." Tanya finished.

"It is also to tell you that we have decided to stay another night for another Donna and The Dynamos performance in honor of you FINALLY marrying the man of your dreams!" Rosie told Donna.

"That sounds great! Sam loves watching us perform." Donna said blushing.

"Correction, he loves watching you perform, he doesn't even see us when we are up on that stage." Tanya said.

"Which is how it should be." Rosie replied.

"I am so glad you both could be here for one of the most important events in my life. Lets take our coffee down to the beach and finish our gab fest. Sam won't be back for a little while." Donna said as the trio made their way down to the beach. Little did she know that Sam had asked the girls to stay to help with Donna's surprise for the evening. This was going to be a night that neither Donna nor Sam would ever forget!

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