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Sam and Donna had an emotionally exhausting and exciting day. Sam wasn't able to sleep that night, he just kept looking at his beautiful wife who was sleeping peacefully in his arms-they were going to have a baby! Possibly their second child together, he already thought of Sophie as his daughter, even though they weren't sure if she was his. As excited as Sam was about the new life he and Donna had created, he just couldn't get the picture of her laying unconscious on the floor that morning out of his mind. He vowed to himself that he would do whatever he had to in order to keep both Donna and their baby safe.

Donna woke up at some point during the middle of the night feeling that something was wrong. She no longer felt sick, she was actually feeling quite refreshed but her husband's arms weren't around her like they were when she fell asleep a couple hours before. She reached to his side of the bed, and it was cold. She sat up with a start.

"Sam?" She asked trying to get her eyes to focus.

Sam went running over to the bed from where he was sitting on the couch across from the bed, bringing a photo album he was looking at with him. He sat the album at the foot of the bed and immediately went over to her.

"I'm here, are you okay?" Sam asked as he gave her a hug.

"No, I woke up and you weren't beside me, I was worried. What were you doing?" Donna asked.

"I was looking at photo albums of when you were pregnant with Sophie and when she was a baby. Wanna look at them with me?" Sam asked. He knew nothing made her happier than to tell him stories of Sophie as a baby.

They spent awhile looking at the album and Donna telling him stories of being pregnant.

"Sam, honey, you've been really quiet. Are you okay?" Donna asked.

Sam put the album down and took her hands in his.

"I am sorry you had to go through the pregnancy by yourself." Sam's guilt of leaving her, possibly pregnant, was finally getting to him.

"Sweetie, I don't mean to be insensitive, but we don't even know if Sophie's yours. Are you still okay with that?" Donna asked apprehensively.

"Yeah, I think I am. I mean it wouldn't change the way I feel about her. I already think of her as my daughter, having blood tests done wouldn't change that." Sam said playing with her hair while her head was lying on his chest.

"I just wish I never would have left you." He said with a kiss to her forehead.

"Honey, we are past that. Yes, we lost time, but we are making up for that. If you wouldn't have gone home, you wouldn't have the boys, we might not have Sophie now, and who knows, we might not have this baby." She said looking up at him through her eyelashes.

"You are the most amazing woman, Mrs. Carmichael." Sam said.

"Your love helps make me who I am, Mr. Carmichael." Donna said with a kiss to his lips.

"Now, listen to me, I do not want you to have anymore guilt. Let's live in the present, basking in our love and our new life. Okay?" Donna asked while sweeping his bangs from his eyes.

"Anything you want my love." Sam said with a kiss to her cheek.

"Good, because I am too excited about our future to dwell on the past." Donna said.

"Speaking of the future, when do you want to tell everyone?" Sam asked.

"Well the boys, the Dynamos, and even Sophie and Sky are coming in a few weeks for the grand re-opening of the hotel to celebrate all the magnificent work you have done on this place, right?"

"Correction, all the work WE have done." Sam corrected her.

"I thought I was more of a distraction." Donna said winking at him.

"I do love your distractions. Besides they are the reason the work got done so fast, that way I could get to you sooner!" Sam said kissing her forehead.

"ANYWAY, what do you say we tell them then? I will have gone to the doctor by then and we will have some details to tell them." Donna said.

"Sounds perfect to me, but I want you to do me a favor in the meantime." Sam said while lying down on the bed with Donna in his arms.

"I would do anything for you." Donna said.

"Please take care of yourself, and let me take care of you." Sam said with clenched teeth, he knew this wouldn't go over well.

Sam gave him an icy stare, which immediately turned soft. As independent as she was, she knew Sam was scared, and thought it would be nice to have someone to lean onto.

"Sam, I promise to take care of myself and the baby. I don't need anyone to take care of me, but it will be wonderful to have someone to go through the pregnancy with me and to lean on."

That went better than Sam expected.

"Thank you." He said with a kiss to her lips.

"What do you say we get some sleep?" She asked.

"I don't want to go to sleep." Sam said.

"What? Why?" Donna asked.

"I will miss you too much." Sam said while looking intently into her eyes.

Donna replied with a kiss, "Well, then, I will see you in my dreams."

They both fell asleep dreaming of their future.

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