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Sam entered Donna's hospital room after an extremely long day. He woke up happy to be in the arms of his loving wife, but everything went downhill from there. As he was in the elevator he couldn't get the days events out of his mind: being drugged by his ex-wife and ending up in bed with her, his wife walking in on them "in bed" together, his ex-wife shooting his wife in her stomach right between their two unborn children, his wife entering and then coming out of the coma, and the final event-going with his sons to identify their dead mother's body in the morgue. He was glad this day was almost over. He knew soon as he saw Donna he would be able to sleep. When he arrived on her floor he stopped at the nurses station and asked for a roll away bed so he could stay in her room with her. He walked in and smiled at the sight before him. They had taken Donna off all machines and monitors and she was sleeping peacefully in her hospital bed, she was gorgeous.: her blonde curly waves cascading down her face, her hands lying on the swell of her stomach that sheltered their unborn babies. His eyes settled on her hands and he realized with everything that happened he never was able to put her ring back on her finger. He didn't want to wake her up because he knew she needed her sleep, but he couldn't help himself when he went over to her bed and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

A smile immediately came to Donna's face, even though her eyes were closed.

"Hi." She said opening her eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up."

She reached for his hand. "No, I'm glad I did. I tried staying up for you, but I guess the pain medication kicked in."

"That's okay babe, go back to sleep. I will be here when you wake up." Sam said as he ran his fingers through her beautiful hair.

"No, I wanted to talk to you. How did it go at the morgue?" She asked as she moved over in her bed to give Sam room to sit down.

"It was okay, the boys positively identified her body. They are preparing to have her body sent back to the states per her father's request, and the boys will accompany her body and attend the funeral. They want to come back when it is over."

"Are you going?" Donna asked.

"I don't want the boys to go through this alone, but I am not going to leave you." Sam said staring straight into her beautiful eyes.

"Then I'll come with you."

"Honey, I don't think you should fly."

"Sweetie, I am only three months along, and the doctor said I would be released in the next couple of days. I would like to be there for the boys as well."

"Donna, I appreciate that, I really do, but we are talking about the woman who tried to kill you and our children twice. No one expects you to go to her funeral."

"Sam, this isn't about a woman who tried hurt me, my husband, and our children. This is about coming together for ALL our children-which includes Ben and Todd. Their grandfather has basically disowned them, they were estranged from her anyway, they should have as much support as possible."

She continually amazed him. She was so loving and caring towards his boys. He really felt like they were all going to become a family, the family they both always wanted.

"You are an amazing woman Mrs. Carmichael. Thank you." He said with a kiss to her lips.

"How are the boys?" Donna asked concerned.

"They're okay, still in shock I think. They never had much of a relationship with her, and they were pretty much done with her after the events of the past couple days, but she is still their mother."

"Yeah, I know. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I am sad for my boys, but I am grateful to have you and our family. I don't know what I would have done if she had killed you." Sam said bringing her hand up to his lips.

"Are you kidding? We are just getting started, I'm not going anywhere." Her statement caused him to laugh.

"Thank you." Sam told his wife.

"For what?" Donna was confused.

"For being you. Oh, I have something for you."

Sam reached into his pocket and took out her wedding ring.

"Will you marry me?" Sam asked her.

"I would marry you over and over and over. Oh wait, I think I almost have." She said laughing.

Sam turned so he was facing her.

"Donna, you are my world. You are my best friend, soul mate, lover, and mother of my children. Thank you for sharing your love and yourself with me and my boys. I love you." Sam said as he slipped her ring back onto her hand where it belonged.

Donna had tears in her eyes.

"I love you too, Sam Carmichael." She pulled his face to hers for a sweet kiss.

"Honey, it's late, why don't you go home and get some sleep." Donna said.

"I am staying right here. Ah, and here is my bed." Sam said as the nurse brought in his roll away.

"If you need anything please let us know." The nurse told Sam and Donna.

"We will, thank you very much." Sam told the nurse as he walked her to the door and closed it once she left.

"Honey, you aren't seriously going to sleep on that thing are you?" Donna asked.

"Yeah, it will be fine."

"Sam, don't you want to go home and get some sleep in our bed." Donna said without thinking. Then she looked up into his face, and realized what happened the last time they were in that bedroom. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry."

"First, even if that didn't happen in our room I wouldn't leave you here alone. Second; Bill, Rosie, Harry, Tanya, and Sophie are repainting the room, cleaning it up, and I bought a new bed that they are setting up. I don't want either of us to be reminded of what happened."

"That's really sweet, thank you. I was going to insist we get a new bed anyway." Donna said laughing. "Wait, Tanya is painting?"

"Let me rephrase, Tanya is decorating and telling them what to do." Sam said laughing.

"Now, THAT makes more sense. But why would you want to be in that awful old bed when you could be in bed with your wife?" Donna asked as she made room for Sam to enter their bed.

"I like the way you think, but I don't want you to be squished and I don't want to hurt you." Sam said.

"I'll be fine, actually better than fine with you in bed with me."

Sam got into bed with his wife and turned off the light. He held Donna tightly in his arms and placed a kiss on top of her head.

"Good night, baby, I love you." Sam told his wife.

"I love you too." Donna replied.

It didn't take either of them long to drift into some much needed sleep.

Mamma Mia ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now