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The girls had a great day of catching up, and Donna told them about one of the most magical nights of her life, her wedding night. She never thought she would ever be this happy. She walked up the Taverna to her bedroom and could hear Sam on the phone.

"You boys are going to love her; I want you to come for a visit as soon as possible."

Sam was obviously telling his sons that they had a step-mother. Anxiety started to build up inside of Donna, while she was her own person and didn't really care if people liked her, the boys were different. They were a part of Sam, and she wanted them to be a part of their new life, just as Sophie is a part of their new life. Donna walked into their bedroom and out to the balcony, she didn't want to ease drop. When Sam heard her come out onto the balcony, a huge smile came to his face. He put his hand over the receiver, "I am talking to the boys, and I will be done in a minute." Sam said with a kiss.

"I will just go inside and close the doors to give you some privacy." Donna said as she started to leave.

"Don't be silly, we have no secrets." Sam told her and then returned his attention back to his sons as he held Donna's hand and they sat down on the balcony.

"No, I am not coming back. I have arranged for my things to be sent here and am selling the penthouse. Just because I am no longer in New York City doesn't mean you are not a huge part of my life. I will come visit and you will come visit us. I have told you both how much I have loved Donna and what she means to me. Yeah, I know, you two are my biggest supporters, thanks for your blessing. Donna and I are both anxious for you to come out for a visit. I want you to schedule a time as soon as possible, charge it to my card, and we will talk soon. I love you, bye."

"Hey." Donna said a little apprehensively.

"Hey you, come here, I have missed you." Sam said as he pulled Donna onto his lap for a kiss. He could feel her hesitancy.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Sam asked concerned.

"How were the boys with this? I mean their father calls and tells them that he was married last night to a woman he hasn't seen for 21 years, and is moving to Greece."

"They were fine. Yes, they were a little surprised. I have always been honest with my sons, they know how much I have always loved you, and how desperately I wanted to be with you. They were actually the ones who encouraged me to take you, I mean Sophie, up on the invitation to the wedding." Sam said.

"They were really okay with it?" Donna asked

"Of course, are you okay? I mean with them coming?" Sam asked.

"Sam, they are a part of you, and I want them to be a BIG part of this new family you and I are creating. I just wasn't sure how they would feel about me; I just want to make a good impression." Donna told Sam with deep sincerity.

"Honey, you are the most amazing person in the world. They are going to love you, but not as much as I do!" Sam said with a kiss.

"I love you, too, so much." Donna said.

"You are having your things sent here from New York City?" Donna asked.

"Yeah, I hired a company to go in today and pack some things up, give some stuff to the boys, and sell some stuff. I have also put the penthouse on the market." Sam told her.

Donna was shocked, "Wow, you have certainly been busy today!"

"I am ready to start our full and complete life. No need in waiting." Sam said.

"Are you comfortable with having strangers go through your things? Don't you want to do that?" Donna asked.

"Are you trying to get rid of me already, Sheridan?" Sam asked.

"Never!" Donna said as she pulled him into a deep kiss and straddled his lap.

"I just thought you would go pack yourself." Donna said.

"Nope, I am never leaving this island again without you, plus you have the hotel to run, with my help of course!" Sam said.

"I am never going to let you leave this island again without me." Donna replied with a kiss.

As they pulled apart Sam spoke, "So, did you girls have a good talk? They aren't going to steal you away from me anymore are they?"

Donna got off of Sam's lap and sat next to him, taking his hand in hers.

"Well, they are leaving tomorrow, so we are going to have one last Donna and The Dynamos extravaganza before they leave."

Sam of course knew all about this, the performance was a disguise for his surprise.

"Does that mean I get to see you in spandex again?" Sam asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

Donna threw her head back and laughed, kissed his hand, and laid her head on his shoulder, "You are one sick freako, Carmichael."

"Yes, I am, one who is madly in love with a Dynamo."

"Now, why don't you get dressed, I will be out in the audience waiting for you." Sam said as he pulled Donna up and gave her a hug and kiss. As he started to walk away Donna pulled him back towards her.

"Wait, you never told me what errands you had to run that took all day."

"Well, I arranged to have my stuff sent here and all, and I had something else I had to do."

"Like?" Donna asked.

"You will find out soon enough my love." Sam said as he gave her a quick kiss and walked off.

Donna stood there wondering what Sam had in store for her.

Mamma Mia ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now