Oh George

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"We're here!" Exclaimed Fred. I get up from Georges arms excitedly, ready for another year at Hogwarts. We all get up out of our seats and push our way through the crowd to get off the Hogwarts Express just to make sure we don't miss the carriages. Me and George stroll together holding hands while Fred goes over with Ronald, his brother, so he can annoy one of Ron's best friends Hermione. this way Fred doesn't have to third wheel all the time. We meet Fred at the carriages and George pick me up by my waist and hoists me up into the carriage and attempts to do the same to Fred but Fred being 6'3 ft makes it a bit difficult.

I begin to itch my left arm from the pain and,George notices. "Whats wrong with your arm sweetheart?" he asks in a worried tone i reassure him with the iconic phrase " Oh it's nothing ." George doesn't seem impressed and his worried facial expression doesn't fade.

We finally arrive at the Great Hall. Me and George sit next to each other his anxiety faded, not completely gone though but there is a smile on his face now at least. "SILENCE!" Dumbledore bellowed as the noise in the room dropped. An extremely large woman stood beside Dumbledore, im guessing even taller then Hagrid, which would have meant she is a Giant. you may all be seated, "3, 2, 1," Fred and George say in unison. i was about to ask 'what have you done?' but that question had just been answered as soon as Professor Flitwick sat down a trap had been set off, activating a bucket of slime to pour down on Flitwicks head,Flitwick being 6'3 it looked as if he was almost drowning in it but Professor Flitwick is also clever and knew immediately who had pranked him. "WEASLEYS!" he screamed through the gooey slime. the whole room burst into laughter, "ENOUGH" shouted Dumbledore in attempt to remain the room silent, "may we welcome out guests the Beauxbatons Academy," a bunch of beautiful young women ran into to the room gracefully making a certainly remarkable entrance. "And the Durmstrang Institute." everyone cheered as leading the entrance was Viktor Krum, but as all the other girls were admiring his looks, i was hiding form Igor who followed behind him. all i could think of was the night i got my mark, the night i gave up all good inside of me.

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