Cry Me A River

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I cry a song, I can never sing

 Write a poem, I can never finish

I cry, cry and cry some more

 Until I find everything to be unbearable.

 Everything is endless misery

 Soaked in a river of hatred

Why must we fight amongst each other?

Why must friends become bitter foes?

 Envy and pride, a hollow tune

Wrapped around in a bubble wrap

 Of twisted lies, of solemn tunes

 It twists and twists around your empty mind.

 I cry a river

I sing an unending song

 I write an unfinishable poem

I live an empty existence.

 I was put on this earth as a freak show

 I was made to be a fool

 I was made to be laughed at

 For I am a broken puppet.

Strings attached, Strings unbroken

 An endless cycle of repeat

Plays out on constant replay

Around me every day.

I cry an empty river

No one seems to care

 What a lonely, solemn existence I live in

 Why do I still breathe?

I seem to care, give my heart out

I sell myself on a silver platter

 I try to care, try to be kind

 And all return the favour with ugly hatred.

Every step I take, every breath I exude

 People take away with bitter words

 Of anger, violence and pride

 Maybe I am a broken record.

 Yes I am, without a single doubt

I am on constant replay

 A symphony of sorrow

That no one cares to listen to.

I will never know true kindness

Never know faith

What it means to love

And what it means to care.

Everyone around me seems to laugh, seems to cry

 Everyone around me has had someone to love

 Someone who cares if they go

 And I have no one who cares if I die.

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