Chapter 5: First Encounter

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It's been 2 weeks since Caleb kissed me but it feels like ages,I guess he grew on me because I really miss him. His the only true friend I've made here but now we just ignore and avoid each other.

After class,I walk through the hallway, heading to my science class. I see Caleb walking towards me with his friend Steve.

I need to talk to him,I don't want our friendship to be ruined just because of a stupid kiss, besides,I have Lucas though we don't talk much these days but Caleb knows full well that I really like Lucas.

Caleb used to pass flirt-ish comments every now and then but I thought he was just being silly, being my friend.

I didn't see the signs that he likes me.

Does he like me?

Duh. Of course he does,he wouldn't have shoved his tongue in my mouth if he didn't.

He is really handsome though, and he looks even better in the army green t shirt he's wearing, with blue plants and a long sleeved black shirt tied around his waist, swaying as he moves,his backpack slung over the left shoulder and his hair,messy as always.

He doesn't seem to notice me,or maybe he's ignoring me,but we need to talk,we can't keep doing this.

When he passes me,I frown. "Caleb"

He stops in his tracks,but he doesn't turn around probably because he recognizes my voice.

He looks over his shoulder and God...those eyes are bloodshot,it makes me take a few steps back,he's definitely still upset.

He continues his walk when he turns away,I'm prepared to run after him so we could talk but then the bell stops me.

"I'll be late for science class." I mutter to myself and head in the opposite direction to my next class but I swear this isn't over.


After school,I had to take the bus because dear sweet Caleb Canosa doesn't want me near him, but I don't care if he's angry or if he shouts at me. I just want my friend back.

So I head over to their house taking huge steps but halt when my phone rings. It's Olivier.

"Bitch!!!! Why the hell won't you call me these days?" Ollie says immediately I answer,I almost drop the phone because of his loudness.

"Ollie! You freak!" I spit causing him to laugh.

"I miss you girl,we barely talk" he says softly.

I pretend to gasp. "Olivier Trenton? Is that really you?"

He scoffs. "Fuck off"

I laugh. "I miss you too but I need to do something real quick, let me call you later"

"Are you going to fuck someone?" 

I gasp and shake my head as if he can see me. "No,of course not"

"Is that why you're so busy these days?"

"Ollie, we're done here" I say and remove my phone from my ear

"Bitch don't you dare hang up!" I hear him say before I cut the call.

I sigh when I reach the Canosa's front door. I don't know why my heart is thudding so fast in my chest, maybe I'm just scared that Caleb might not want is to be friends anymore,that thought makes my heart ache.

I really like Caleb,not in a romantic way but a brotherly way,like what I feel for Ollie. So if he has any feelings for me,he should just swallow them,I'll not prepared to lose my Friend for that.

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