The Party!

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Catherine's POV

 I followed Jason into an empty class room, my thoughts not exactly on him but more on what i had seen outside the window of the music room, I saw gold eyes staring at me from the woods and they looked so familiar to me. I turned my attention to my brother who was staring at me again. 

"what?" I snapped at him. He flinched at my cold tone and turned to the window and just stood there quietly. The silence was killing me like seriously he asked to talk not stand there and stare at nothing

"I have a party to get ready for, so talk or I leave" I said in a bored voice

He finally turned to face me "I'm sorry Catherine......" I held my hand up stopping him there.

"I'm not here for apologies Jason I just want to know why you never came for me like you promised" I stated in a harsh voice that again made him flinch.

He sighed deeply "I did try to find as soon as I was adopted by Aidens parents I went looking for you" I frozen he did try I stayed quiet so he continued.

"I looked everywhere talked to anyone but i was too late and you were lost in the system." Its not uncommon for a child that was my age when I was put into the system to become lost in it to a point that family couldn't find you. 

"Please please forgive me" He whispered I stared at him long and hard before the tears sprang to my eyes and I nodded. He ran over and hugged me.

I had to leave soon after to get ready for the party that apparently my brother is also going to with green eyes. I doubt my older brother will like the drunk me since I have a habit if going way over bored and get completely "I blacked out" trashed.

I walked to mt one dresser in the basically empty room and grabbed my favorite party outfit. witch consisted of a black tight skinny Jeans, a black off the shoulder Sons Of Anarchy shirt and my favorite accessory my black leather jacket. I walked down to the bathroom to shower, once i was out i pulled the outfit on and straightened my raven black hair so it fell perfectly doen my back.

I walked out of the room to find a plate of food on the counter with a note from my foster Mother saying that she and her husband had to leave for an emergency business trip for a week and that i was on my own tell then. perfect that makes going out tonight easier.

Not to long later Elly had pulled up and we were on the way to the party. Elly was wearing a pink off the shoulder top and a black skirt. We walked into the party witch was in full swing. I separated from Elly and headed to the kitchen where i took a full bottle of vodka from the wide selection of booze that was all over the the counters and tables.

I opened the bottle and downed half the of it, I was completely ready for a night I planed on not remembering tomorrow. I then downed the rest of the bottle and grabbed another feeling the all to welcome buzz.

My brother and green eyes finally showed up I'd say about two bottles of vodka and three games of beer pong into the party, and guess who's hammered this chick. I opened another beer for the fourth game of beer pong when Jason spotted me. He walked over to the table and watched me play my forth game of beer pong.

"How many games has she played?" I heard him ask a person who's name I think is Griffon or Mike i don't remember i'm too focused on the ping pong ball as it lands in my cup. damn not again I think as i chug the beer from the cup.

"about four games" the griffon or mike guy told my brother as green eyes finally made his way over here. damn hes hot, I don't think I actually ever apriciated his looks as much as i am now. I tossed the ping pong ball into my opponites cup and the tossed my second ping pong ball into the same cup meaning he has to down all of them. I thruw my hands into the air and cheered along with the crowed.

I then relised I weanted more vodka and green eyes on a platter i mean hes that hot. I stumbled toward the kitchen with my brother and hottie mic hottie right behind me. I grasbbed another bottle and again downed half of it. Im going to regret this tomorrow but at the moment I dont care.

"how much have you had to drink?" Jason asked in a conserned voice

"More then you" I giggled out and the hiccupt as Elly wanderd up as i satrted laughing histariclly along with a groupe of random people who had just as much as me to drink. 

"Jesus how much did you drink?" Elly asked as I stopped laughing and headed outside the sudden urge to make a call as my drunken goal. Jason was right behind me as I fell and dropped my phone I struggled against him trying to reach my goal when Aiden picked it u. 

"You'll thank me tomorrow" He sighed Jason got off me and I sat and pouted like a six year old, then I remembered my bottle of vodka and finished it off. A new goal on my mind as one of the many friends I made tonight pulled me up and over to the dance floor where we stumbled around instead of dancing.

I then fell taking a bunch of people with me and then proceeded to laugh on the ground with everyone. Jason came over and helped me up.

"Okay seriously how much did you drink?" he asked

"about Three bottle of vodka and four games of beer pong worth" I said, I know everyone Is probably wondering how I'm still alive after all that and I couldn't tell you but I think its in my genes.

"come I'm taking you home" Jason and Aiden said at the same time making me burst out laughing again, and then I pouted I mean I wasnt ready to leave yet. Whe I tride to run Aiden scouped me up causing tingle to go up my body. He carried me to the car after telling Elly that they were taking me home.

Aiden put me into the backseat of Jason car and then slipped in beside me as Jason got in the front and started driving. I suddenly got extreamly tired and went right to sleep on Aidens shoulder, and was out for the rest of the night. 

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