prologue and chapter 1

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Okay, so I saw a story like this and I read it. It gave me some ideas and now here here we are. The person who gave we the idea was @kaitykilljoy if you wanna check her out. Hope you enjoy... bye?

Tommyinnit had enough. He could not keep his emotions inside anymore. He couldn't bottle them. Tommy looked on to the lava that was below him, contemplating what he should do. Should he just end it all, give up? Or should he continue on with his hellish life?

Tommy was breaking. He couldn't keep himself together anymore. He was slipping, and he wasn't going to stop any time soon. He had one last life, it was fair that he chose how he died, right? It's not like anyone would miss him. Even if they did, they were the ones who left him to rot in the first place. But, he couldn't really blame them. How could he, when he also hated himself?




The lava was so tempting to just fall into. It was welcoming him with open arms. Lava wouldn't betray him, he knew that. After all, lava was an insentient thing. It couldn't hate him, it couldn't even like him. It was better that way because that means that lava couldn't leave him.

Maybe lava could end the seemingly never-ending voices in his head? They always told him different things and confused him. Just like now, some where telling him to jump and do a flip, while others were telling him to stop, to go home, and not to jump. Some were saying depressedinnit, which was true, he suppose as he was depressed. But wouldn't anyone be depressed after their best friend betrayed them?

Tommy had enough of his depressed thoughts. He took a deep breath and placed a letter on the ground, underneath his sword. Tommy stepped forward and whispered, "I'm sorry for what I've done, Wilby, Techno, Phil, Tubbo, everyone." and he jumped. Leaving behind a letter and sword for whoever found his body.

He came to this world alone, it was ironic that he left it alone as well.


It just so happened that Wilbur was making his way to Tommy's base with Ranboo following him. Tommy was almost to Tommy's Nether portal when he saw Tommy's sword of the ground. 'Now, that can't be right.' Wilbur walked over and picked up Tommy's sword to give to him. 'He probably just dropped it. I'll give it to him later!' Wilbur placed Tommy's sword in his empty sword sheeth just as a notification popped up.

Tommyinit tried to swim in lava

A noise of confusion left Wilbur as that notification met his line of vision. Just a second later, Wilbur saw a peace of paper on the ground. Wilbur didn't know what to think as he picked it up and read it.

To whoever found this,

Hi, this is Tommyinit. I hope that what you read will bring good news to you. I would have told someone but I am in isolation so I couldn't ha.

I have one last life, and by the time you read this, I will have none left. I hope that you will inform everyone else that the menace is gone, after all everyone was all for getting rid of me. I don't blame anyone though, I was annoying. I just hope now that I'm gone you'll finally have your peace of mind.

This note is getting to long so I'll make this short. Dream can have the disks, they're in a chest in my "vacation home". If he wants them, he can have them. I don't care anymore, if I'm being honest. There are chests at my "vacation home" with labels. There is a chest for everyone there. I hope you all have a better life now that I'm gone.

Tommyinnit Tried to Swim in LavaWhere stories live. Discover now