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Hi it's Natalia! This is my second attempt at a One Direction Fan Fiction, hope you enjoy and I'd love any comments or critisim, thanks! Xxxx


Hallbarro Academy of Arts, the house to talent of the future. Each student is here for a certain reason, they excel in a subject. There are dancers, actors, singers, artists, writers, and anything to do with the fine arts. It i separated by gender meaning the only time for the girls and boys to interact is at lunch and at the concerts as not to distract them from their crafts. The schooling goes from kindergarten to high school. Of course after graduating you would go on to the sister school being Hallbarro University where you can then major in the subject you had been taught from kindergarten onwards.

"How does that sound?" Charlotte asked her friends.

"Meh it was okay." Gabriella answered not looking up from the sketch she was currently working on.

"Okay? Guys this is my first assignment in my Journalism class I need something to wow the teacher! This isn't high school anymore this is the big leagues!" Charlotte yelled snapping her pencil in half.

"Charlotte it sounded great just calm down I'm sure you'll get an A." Cassidy said comforting her by patting her shoulder.

"How was your first acting class Cass?" Charlotte asked trying to change the subject.

"It was great! Minus the fact that my partner is a complete ditz she doesn't know anything." She said with a huff.

"Hey guys Gabby still working on her sketch?" Aubrey asked "Never mind stupid question." She said shaking her head.

"How was your first day of college Aubrey?" Cassidy asked as she sat down "I didn't get to see you in any of my classes!" she finished with a pout.

"That's because you want to be a director silly! I'm going to an actress known for my serious roles I mean look at my profile it's perfect for those dramatic scenes!" Aubrey said with a far off look in her eyes.

"Excuse me, pardon me, could you please move to the right, no that's your left, you know what, EVERYBODY MOVE I'M COMING THROUGH."

"Incoming Belle's on her way sounds like a rampage." Charlotte muttered before turning her head down to look at her food as the rest of her friends followed in suit.

"Hey guys!" Belle said sitting down next to Gabriella. You see the girls loved Belle despite her faults. While they were all new freshman to Hallbarro University, Belle was Junior. Due to her bossy bravado and uptight stature she didn't have many friends and her love for dramatics didn't help either.

"Hi Belle." They all mumbled still looking down.

"So you guys heard the news too. I mean can you believe it they're basing it all on singing and dancing and more boys than girls at Hallbarro are in the singing department. Guess we can kiss our hopes of graduating goodbye now." She said with a sigh.


"So you don't know about it then?" Belle asked confused.

"NO WE DON'T." They all yelled at her. Belle rubbed her ears mumbling something about being half deaf now.

"The college said they can't afford to go on with the separation of genders so they're setting up this whole competition to see who gets to stay and continue their education and who has to leave and find a new college to go to." She said with a throwing her head onto the table.

"How can they do that?" Cassidy asked.

"Let's sue!" Aubrey said punctuating her statement by slamming her fists of the table.

"I'm going to punch every male I see on campus!" Gabriella said looking up from her sketch for the first time.

"This will be great material for my journalism class!" Charlotte said getting out her pencil and notepad.

The girls gave her all an incredulous look.

"Just saying." Charlotte said looking down.

"Anyways it looks like Mr. Caserello is leading the boys who are competing and you know he's not going to let them lose." Belle said with a huff. Suddenly her face brightened up.

"Oh no it's the look." Gabriella said her eyes going wide.

"Maybe this time it'll be an actually good idea." Cassidy said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Guys let's do it, let's compete against them."

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