The decision

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She stares at me for a moment. She bites her bottom lip. Not even a moment later she kisses me. I kiss her back of course. She smiles and so do I. "Did you want to have lunch with us?" I ask. "I don't think I can sit with the king and queen for lunch looking like well this, " she laughs. "If you don't have time to make something then wear one from the rack, " I say referring to the rack of all the dresses that were worn once or twice or ones that were never worn and just didn't work. "Okay, " she says. "I'll see you soon, " I tell her kissing her on the forehead. "See ya, " she says. I walk out and close the door behind me. "I told you!" Anna whisper exclaims. I roll my eyes. "You sure did, " I confess.
America's POV...
I get to work sewing an outfit immediately.

I get to work sewing an outfit immediately

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Queen Anna comes in. "Hello America!" she says cheerfully. "Oh hello your Majesty, " I say. "Is everything okay?" I ask. "Everything is wonderful!" she replies. She sits down while I sew. "So you and Maxon huh?" she asks excitedly. "You know?" I ask. "Of course I know. I'm the one who talked him into telling you that he liked you!" she says. "Oh well thank you." "Of course deary. Nobody else knows though, " she tells me. "Would you like me to do your hair for you?" she asks. "Oh, you don't have to." "Oh, it's no trouble...i don't have a daughter so I love it when I get to do this type of thing, " she says. "Oh then thank you!" She talks and talks and I finally finish the dress. She does my hair and makeup before I change. "You're such a natural beauty, " she says. "Why thank you, your majesty, " I say. "Please call me Anna, " she says. I nod. I go get dressed and I put on a pair of black heels. She did my hair in a braided updo. "So look like a princess, " she compliments. "Thank you, " I blush. Anna walks me to where the royal families eat. Anna and I walk into the room. I sit between Anna and Maxon. We all a wonderful conversation over an amazing meal. "America what would you think of making clothes for models to well model for a charity fashion show. Everything would be made by you and hairstyles and makeup would be chosen by you. You would lead the team, " Queen Amberly. "I would love that Queen Amberly thank you!" I exclaim. "Wonderful!" she exclaims even louder. "So America you make all of the clothes, jewelry, accessories, and shoes?" King Clarkson asks. "Yes your Majesty, " I reply. "Any help?" he asks. "Well I make everything on my own but my three best friends help me clean up and sometimes I ask them for their opinions, " I explain. He nods. "So when is this fashion show?" I ask. "A week, " the queen says. "Is that enough time?" she asks. "Yes, many outfits do I need to make?" I ask. "A collection, " the queen says. I nod. When lunch is over I rush downstairs to get started on all of the outfits.

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America Stitches Her Name in Maxon's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now