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"Cut off my wings and come lock me upJust pull the plug, yeah, I've had enoughTear me to pieces, sell me for partsYou're all vampires, so here you can have my heartYou can have my heartYou can have my heart"

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"Cut off my wings and come lock me up
Just pull the plug, yeah, I've had enough
Tear me to pieces, sell me for parts
You're all vampires, so here you can have my heart
You can have my heart
You can have my heart"

Quelle parole,
quella canzone;
t/n inizio a cantarla
a squarciagola,
mentre il suo cuore
andava a tempo con la musica.

Anche Katsuki iniziò a cantare,
era una delle sue canzoni
preferite dopotutto.
Gli aveva sempre fatto
provare una marea di emozioni.

"The world's a funeral, a room of ghosts
No hint of movement, no sign of pulse
Only an echo, just skin and bone
They kicked the chair, but we, we helped tie the rope
You can have my heart
You can have my heart"

Lo spirito guardò il ragazzo,
e sorrise avvicinandovisi.

“So come rain on my parade 'cause I wanna feel it
Come shove me over the edge 'cause my head is in overdrive
I'm sorry, but it's too late, and it's not worth saving
So come rain on my parade
I think we're doomed, I think we're doomed
And now there's no way back”

Con gli occhi lucidi,
provò a prendergli la mano;
ma fallì, notando la trasparenza
della propria.
Stava scomparendo.

Aveva finito il tempo.

You must've made some kind of mistake
I asked for death, but instead I'm awake
The Devil told me, "No room for cheats"
I thought I'd sold my soul, but he kept the receipt

𝖽𝗈𝗈𝗆𝖾𝖽 ; 𝖪. 𝖡𝖺𝗄𝗎𝗀𝗈Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora