Chapter 2 - On board

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“ Nothing lasts forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is what’s in between hello and goodbye “


Chapter 2

Jenna P.O.V

I am moving. I know that this is going to happen sooner or later - whether I want to accept it or not. Like my parents predicted. That women from earlier probably is one of the UNICEF agents, what a shame we got caught. She said something along keeping me away from Paul, I wonder what she meant by that. I’ve been years living with Paul – well of course we’re twins that means we are siblings you get the point there, there’s no possible way that can kept me away from Paul. Well I thought so – I don’t know what’s up on the UNICEF’s agents sleeves. I was struggling for breathing now, this mask that they made me wore is like taking my life away from me. Just when I thought I will be dead the mask is being lifted up from me. I take a deep breath and my eyes looking around the room to find Paul anywhere near me – But no, nada, there’s no sign of Paul anywhere. Still trying to breath properly a stinging sensation spread through my arms.

“ Arghh…! What in the fucking world you put in me?! “ I asked while glaring at them and holding my arms. There’s two agent as far as I can see in the plane, I wonder if I can take them down and told the pilot to land as fast as he can. Well, probably not. Even if I was trained to fight sice I was little I’m no match for the UNICEF’s agents. The agents laughed and I glaring harder at them – as if my glare could kill they’ll be ten feet under right now.

“ Well it’s usual for the beginners to feel the pain, we put the tracker in your arms – it’s infecting your whole body. But relax the pain is only in the arms “ One of the agents said coming from somewhere in the plane. Now that makes them three, very good, they just made my hope of going out of here to down hill.

“ Where’s my brother? “ I croaked still suffering and feeling the pain. Is he… No please don’t tell me my subconscious is right.

“ He’s in the other plane – don’t  worry you both are going to the same country, America as Jane had said to you “ The agent said and looking outside from the window. It’s sunny outside but well my heart and mind is not that cheery today – in fact it’s rainy inside. I sigh seeing that I had no chance of getting out and meeting my twins. My stomach grumble and my eyes frantically searching for food around the plane.

“ You hungry ? let me get you something – and wait here, don’t go anywhere “ The same agent talking again, I’m tired calling him agent, what if I call him A1, and that one A2-

“Oh and my name is Peter by the way, that one is Ryan and that other one is Ramon “ A1 – I mean Peter continued and point at the other two agents, it’s not like I care but I look at them anyway. Peter is the blonde guy and blue eyes, typical stupid blonde. Ryan, well, he has a brown hair and light brown eyes and the last one and the least, well all of them is least anyway – just kidding they have big posture told ya. The Ramon guy, well, he has a dirty blonde hair with a piercing green eyes, so much for the intimidating posture, they all nailed it actually. They’re all a fine built guys with of course abs and those kind of things, all tall the same height. Probably 6’9 feet or something.

“ Done staring babe? “ The Ramon guy said with a thick British accent. I shook my head and looked at his piercing green eyes to my hazel one.

“ Who said anything about staring? And anyway where’s my food? “ I asked at Peter – he too is staring at the window thinking about something. Peter eyes met mine and he shook his head.

“ Ah, yes sorry, one minute “ he said and scurried to somewhere that I don’t know. I wonder what that boy is thinking.

“ Now, now Jenna, it’s not good to stare into space you know, some ghost can trapped you into their world “ Ramon said and smirked at me. That smirk – I just want to wipe that thing off of him.

“ I am not scared of them you silly. Are they even real, you believe in that bullshit? What a stupid person you are then “ I said and raised an eyebrow at him. His face turning red and I know that I already pull the trigger and I can’t back down from this. Well I guess there’s no other way, isn’t it?

“ So what are you scared of you little bit- “ Ramon start but being cut off by Ryan.

“ Ramon, we need to get her there in piece. Alive. And Jane told us to do nothing with the project. Do you want to be dead? “ Ryan said and that made Ramon become silent as the night, he sighed and put his head in his hands. I wonder what did he meant by project. That’s not me right? – well I hope it’s not because well I’m a person not an object and I don’t like his tone about it. I got a bad feeling about these agents – well not just the agents the whole corporation actually.

“ Here “ Peter said and handed me some food box, I took it from him.

“ Thanks “ I said. I opened the box and started eating. The food is okay I think. Well at least it’s not a spoiled food. I looked outside from the window and see a land is near. I wonder what is Paul doing right now. Is he okay?. Did they hurt him?. I wondered too much, if I’m not stopping now I won’t be surprised if my brain will explode any minute.

“ Hey get ready, we’re landing soon “ Peter said and I just nodded.

“ Where? “ I asked and looked at him. He stared back at me and back doing whatever he was doing before.

“ California, America “ He said, still rummaging through his things. I sigh and getting up from the seat starting to pack my things that’s next to my seat. I don’t know who packed my things and put it there. Probably some of the agents. I do wish things will not get worse after the plane landed, well goodbye England, here I come America. This is going to take times getting used to the sun of California and the accent. Well let’s see if I can survive this hell hole of a so called America.


Hello again, please dont be bored of me. LOL. okay I'm in very good mood today as you guys can see, I got a good score in my english test and keep on Like, Comment, Vote, and follow me and the story, aye aye people.

Bye hv a good day, xx, Chelle

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