Chapter 3 - Arrival

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“ There’s a little bit of devil in those angel eyes, she’s a little bit of heaven with a wild side, got a rebel heart a country mile wide “


Chapter 3

“ Come, grab your things “ Ryan said, this is the first time that he actually talked to me. I think he’s the only one that is serious about this mission to bring the project to America and I have a bad feeling that it is me.

“ Of course, let’s go “ I said and put on a fake smile, I think I’m going to act like a goody-two-shoes in front of them. Who knows maybe they will let me go and meet my brother.

“ I know your smile is fake, stop that, it’s creeping me out “ Ryan said while taking some steps down the plane stairs. I sigh.

“ Fine but I’m putting the act in front of others, your skill in reading a person is good eh? “ I said and l escalated myself from the stairs too.

“ Well you could say that “ Ryan said and we went to the arrival area and the two agents is waiting.

“ What took you guys so long? “ Peter smirked at the both of us. Oh no he didn’t – he thought something happened between me and Ryan. I wanted to slapped him in the face but remembering that I have to act nice in front of them made me realized.

“ I just got to pack some things and he’s waiting for me. Is it really a big problem? “ I said and raising an eyebrow at him.

“ No I- “ Peter said and as per usual he’s being cut off by Ryan, the most immature one. Probably if there’s an award it’ll be him as the winner.

“ Pete, just fucking lead the way for god’s sake, can’t you understand the meaning of ‘don’t do anything with the project’ ? “ Ryan said and glare at Peter.

“ Fine, fine, why are you so moody today eh? Something stuck in that brain of yours ? “ Peter said pulling the trigger and smirked. Ah, there’ll be one hell of a fight in the airport. I sigh but didn’t do anything. Peter started to lead the way to a limousine, well I didn’t know that UNICEF is that rich.

“ There’s nothing stuck in my brain you fool “ Ryan said and grabbed Peter shirt. I looked at Ramon expecting him to deal with the both of them but he just looked and me while shrugging and smirking. What an A-hole.

“ Guys “ I said while looking at the two guys standing before me.

“ Oh really? Then why are you being so pussy about things? “ Peter said and looked at Ryan still doing nothing.

“ Guys! “ I said a little bit louder hoping that they would hear me out, but hey fate hates me – they kept murdering each other with words soon with actions. I hear Ramon laughed behind me and I glare at him, he holds his hands in a surrender mode and chuckle a little. I shook my head and thought how could he laughed when things are heated like this. I sigh for the hundredth time today.

“ I am not a pussy you son of a bitch “ Ryan hissed while glaring at Peter. I rolled my eyes.

“ GUYS! HELLO? “ I scream and they both looked at me glaring.

“ Don’t you dare glare at me, you guys are going to cause a scene if it’s not because of me, now let’s go “ I continued and dragged them to the car – with the help of Ramon of course.

“ So? Where are we going? “ I asked them and they just kept their mouth shut. I sigh and slumped into my seat looking out from the window – they aren’t going to tell me anything, just as predicted. From the window I could see the beach almost everywhere and there’s a lot of surfer dude and girls in bikinis, just like what’s in my mind. Sleep overtake me again seeing that I haven’t slept at all at the plane. Private plane of UNICEF to be exact – they are filthy rich, I know. I took out my i-pod from my bag and plugged my earphone. Soon I fall into the land of dreams.


I was walking in the forest, I looked at my hands, it’s a child’s hand so I think I’m still a child here but what am I doing in a forest. Alone. All by myself?

I looked around the area and all I can see are trees. I closed my eyes and opened them again to find myself in a different realm, this time it’s a sea and when I go above the water gasping for air and dive again to see there’s no living species down there. No sharks, fishes, even the corals are dead. And the water it tastes like a b-b-blood ? What?!

I closed my eyes again and opened them to see a different place. I’m not in the sea anymore. In fact I was standing at the alter marrying somebody that I don’t even know. His face is covered by the hood of his tux. I don’t even know that tux has a hood. But that time even if I really want to run, I can’t. My legs betraying me – it can’t move at all my lips can’t talk the way I want to, it’s like something or someone is using me like a doll. All I can see from the man in front of me is the color of his eyes – blue, hazel, and green it’s the mix of them.

“ Do you Jenna Elsworth Faithfully, will always stand steadfast by his side and hold his hands, regardless of what life is bringing both of you and vow to be his bride for eternity until death bring you both apart? “ The pastor said.

“ Yes, I do “ I said with a grateful smile, in fact I can’t do anything like something inside me isn’t right. And I really didn’t mean those words to come out. I didn’t know his name or his personality how could I married someone like him?

“ And do you- “ The pastor didn’t finished his sentence, he was being cut off by the man in front of me. I really want to know his name though.

“ I do “ He said with a masculine voice. A very angelic one actually. The pastor didn’t said anything about his interruption and went on with the ceremony.

“ I pronounced you husband and wife and now you may kiss the bride “ The pastor smiled looking at us like we’re the happy new couple. We kissed. Me and him, we freaking kissed and this kiss erupted butterfly in my stomach like the whole zoo is coming out. It’s an amazing kiss and one hell of a kiss. The people who attend the wedding started to clapped their hands and cheering.

Suddenly after we both pulled away from each other I heard a gunshot and my stomach hurts like hell. I looked down to my stomach while holding it. There’s blood in my hand and when I looked up I saw the man in front of me that is supposed to be my husband holding a gun that’s shimmering with blood all over it. It’s like I got my voice back and the control over me is gone.

“ Why? Who are you? “ I said while holding the stomach to stopped the blood coming out faster.

“ Shhh… Just sleep baby it’s okay I’m here for you “ He said and I don’t even know why I do as he said and then everything blacked out.


I hope everything is alright for you guys and I just want to say thank yoy for all of you that have been reading this far and I guess yea next chapter is coming let's us see what's ought to come, haha...

Bye bye lovelies, xx, Chelle

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