Chapter 4 - Arrival 2

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“ Death is peaceful, easy. Life is harder “

-Isabella Swan, Twilight saga

Chapter 4

Jenna P.O.V

“ Hey wake up, we’re here “ A familiar voice said – must be one of the guys. I yawn and stretch like a cat – it’s a habit of me don’t judge. I wonder what’s that dream all about, I’m scared, yes but I decided not to tell these guys and shrugged it off for now. These guys are the nightmares themselves.

“ Where? “ I asked while blinking my eyes trying to adjust to the light surrounding me. After my eyes work properly I can see a house, small one – not as big as a mansion but well you know it. It’s simple with a vintage-classic decorating, just the way I like it.

“ Well, this house is the house you’re going to be living for the next 7 years or probably more “ Ryan said while looking at the house.

“ With who? Paul ? “ I asked them with a hopeful eyes of a teen year old. I’m more then capable to act like a 17 year old in a different situation – my parents taught me that, same goes for Paul.

“ No dear he’s in the other city, different than yours “ Ramon said with a wicked smile that nobody including me doesn’t like at all.

“ Where is he ? “ I asked while glaring at them.

“ He’s somewhere over America, that’s your job to find him, then if you can find him you both can work together – as a team “ Peter explained while looking at me. I just nodded, there’s nothing I can do right now. That means no seeing Peter for the next 7 years or probably more. I sigh, again.

“ Come, let’s see your new house “ Ryan said with a heart-warming smile – this is the first time. I followed them to the house and the inside is more gorgeous than the outside.

“ So you just gonna left me here, all alone with nobody else? What if I run away? “ I said to them while touching the books in the bookshelf with my index finger.

“ Yea, but you still can’t run away you know. We put tracker in your body so we still know where you are “ Ramon said while frowning at me like I’m the most stupid person in the whole world. I mentally face-palm myself – how could I not realized that.

“ Anyway you guys are going to tell what is my job in here or what? “ I asked them, trying to change the foolish subject.

“ No, we’re going to wait until you’re old enough to do the job “ Ryan told me again while looking outside from the window.

“ How many years? And what am I supposed to do while waiting ? “ I asked them whilst picking a book from the book shelf that read ‘Mortal Combats : book 3’.

“ 7 years more and you’re going to learn about how to defend yourself by doing a lot lessons about fighting “ Peter asked while holding a phone – he is talking to someone I think.

“ Says who Pete? you can’t just make the decision of your own “ Ryan said while glaring at Peter. Peter spoke something to the phone and smirked while handing the phone to Ryan. Ryan snatched the phone from his hands and talking to someone over the phone. Finally the line went dead and he give the phone back to Peter.

“ For the first time Peter you’re almost right, but you’re missing an information about we’re all going to stay here and trained her “ Ryan said while looking at all of us. My eyes bulged out from their places. 7 years with them?! Or probably more? It’s a nightmare and these are guys, just saying.

“ What?! Says who? “ I asked while glaring at them.

“ Jane obviously, only Jane can do something like this “ Ramon said while looking bored. I rolled my eyes, looks like there’s no other way to go eh? Let’s see if I can survive 7 years with them. This is going to be a long time.

Paul P.O.V

“ Where is my sister? “ I’ve been asking these three dudes since the plane landed – now we’re in a car, limousine to be exact, but none of them have the voice to answer. Well I hope she’s okay.

“ Your sister is somewhere in America, you got to find her by yourself at the age of 17 then maybe from there you both could work together – as  a team “ One of the guy said, finally they talked.

“ What’s your name ? “ I asked them.

“ My name is Kyle, his name is Nate, and the other one is Todd. Happy now? “ The one with the blue haired said – he is the one who explained to me where about my sister is. I looked at the two other guys, trying to remember what they looked like, probably someday it’ll come handy. The Nate guy has a chocolate brown hair and a turquoise eyes – I don’t even know before if you can have that eye color probably he wear contacts. The Todd guy is kind of quiet one – the one that tried to play it cool and I-don’t-care look, he has a green hair and a black eyes. They all in the same height - 7 feet and they all nailed the intimidating posture.

“ No I’m still not happy “ I said as we stop in front of a small house. The Todd guy glared at me and we all stepped out from the car.

“ So where are we? “ I asked them and the Kyle guy ushered us inside the house first, he hold a phone – someone must be calling him before.

“ So? “ I asked them once we’re secured in the house.

“ We are going to explained this to you but please don’t try to interrupt us “ Nate said and I just nodded. Here goes nothing.

“ You are going to stay with us in this house for the next 7 years or probably more with us, the three of us. Your first job will be given to you by the age of 17. While waiting for those 7 years or more you’re going to be trained to fight by us three and you’re not allowed to go to an elementary school “ Kyle said and I kept my mouth shut. Absorbing the amount of information that he just said. Job what did he meant by job?

“ Wait, Kyle, we’re going to stay ? that’s not the plan “ Nate said while frowning. Todd just looked amused by the whole situation.

“ Jane just told me through the phone “ Kyle said while placing the phone back in his pocket.

“ Right “ Todd said and smirked.

“ What do you mean by job ? “ I asked them and Todd came crouching down to my level.

“ You just have to wait 7 years more kid “ He said and stand back up again.

“ This is going to be a long year eh? Let’s see if you can learn fast, Paul “ Nate said while smirking at me.

“ Yeah let’s see why not? “ I smile at them. Well since I’m stuck with these guys why not as well learnt their personality and be a good boy. Maybe with those planned of being a goody-two-shoes I can get out from here.

“ Let’s start by unpacking your things “ Kyle said and rushed upstairs – it’s a two story house. I looked at the busy street.

“ Where are we anyway? New york ? “ I asked them still looking outside.

“ Good guess boy, yes we’re in New York “ Nate said while taking the box from the limousine.

“ Come help us don’t just stand there, pick your belongings “ Todd said complaining. This sure is going to be a fun year.

“ Yea, yea, okay “ I said and rushed to the limousine to pick my belongings. I hope this one is going to be great. For me and my sister of course I thought while looking at the sky.


I've been daydreaming about Paul lately, he's sound gorgeous in the story, lol I fell hard for a fiction story and it's mine but anyway dont forget toooo... likecommentvoteandfollow. that's all and see you guys later.

Ciao, xx, Chelle

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