Chapter 5 - Starting a new life

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“ They can’t scare me… If I scare them first “

-Lady Gaga

Chapter 5


Peter P.O.V

It’s finally Jenna 17th birthday and we’re all so happy about it – including me, Ryan, and of course Ramon. Through these 7 years living with her, I know her personality pretty well. I know that she’s not a morning person, sweet at heart but feisty and strong at the outside. I woke up from my bed. Since the house is pretty big, we all got our own rooms. I went to Ryan’s and Ramon’s room to wake them up and make some surprise for Jenna. And officially tomorrow we guys are going to go back to England so she can start her own journey, it’s pretty sad to know that but well orders is still orders. She is learning fast – like really fast just like her parents used to learn things. They are the fast-learner family.

“ Guys, we’re going to pour her a bucket of water while she was sleeping “ I said to Ryan and Ramon and they just stare at me.

“ You do know that she’s not a morning person right? She is going to punch us in the face dude “ Ramon exclaimed.

“ Yes I do know that but we don’t have any other choice “ I said raising my voice a little bit.

“ You can just buy her a cake or something then we eat them together so there’s no punching and fighting include “ Ryan said while shrugging.

“ But that’s no fun “ I said whining like a little baby.

“ Please don’t dude “ They both exclaimed and cringed at my voice.

“ Okay we’re doing it. Now go fetch me a bucket of water “ Ryan said and I scurried outside and grab a bucket then pour the water in it. After done I take the bucket of water inside trying to be careful so the water don’t fall out. When I enter Jenna’s room the guys are ready to pour the bucket and Ramon is holding the camera to capture our gracious moment.

“ What about the gadgets? “ I whisper remembering that Jenna always sleep with her phone beside her and earphones too. Well sometimes with her laptop.

“ Already secured “ Ryan said while pointing at the table where all the gadgets took place. I raised a thumb up and hold the other side of the bucket while Ryan is holding the other side. We mouthed one, two, three to each other then poured the water to Jenna’s head. I was rolling on the floor laughing after that and dropping the bucket.

Jenna P.O.V

“ What on the world is that? “ I said while holding my wet hair and seeing the guys all rolling on the floor laughing with a bucket beside them and Ramon holding the camera. Oh. No. They. Didn’t.

“ You guys are going to get it “ I get up to get them but they are already outside running like a maniac. I grabbed a box of eggs from the fridge and follow them outside, chasing them and poured eggs one by one in their heads. These guys – they’re not that bad and scary actually if you know them that well. We are back inside after our little moment and it’s all captured by Ramon in the camera.

“ I’m just gonna take a shower “ Peter said while chuckling a little then he’s followed by some ‘me too’ and ‘count me in’. I then went to my bathroom that connects with my bedroom. Just to remind you, everybody gets their own bathrooms and bedrooms, that’s cool I think. After I took the shower I went downstairs to the living room to meet all the guys are all ready to go somewhere? But where?

“ Come on let’s buy some Christmas decoration “ Ryan said while taking his coat and the others follow suit. Ah… I just remembered that tomorrow is the 25th, day of Christmas, yea, be jealous my birthday is in 24th of December. I took my coat and went outside to our car. It’s Audi, Yea UNICEF is like super rich. I entered the car and saw that Ryan is driving, Peter calling shotgun, and that left me and Ramon being the dibs. But remembering this is my birthday I wonder if they are going to give me some birthday presents. Hope so.

“ So where are we going? “ I asked them trying to shrug off that there’s not gonna be presents this year for me and my brother, Paul. Where is he now? We usually trade presents on our birthday.

“ To the city of course “ Ryan said while driving and I looked outside from the window – it becomes a habit now when I got nothing else to do.

“ Oh okay “ I said as Ryan pulled up to a Christmas store – I think it’s the best in town it’s full of people buying decorations.

“ Let’s go “ Peter said and went out of the car, I went out and Ryan locked the car. Let’s see what’s in that store.

“ What about the jingle bells? “ I asked while holding some bells.

“ Yea we’re going to need that and a Christmas tree of course ” Ramon said while taking the bells from me and going to the Christmas section. Even if I’ 17 years old they still treated me like I’m still 10.

“ So you guys going to go back to England? “ I said – still with a thick British accent, I haven’t went out from home for 7 years, well except with the guys of course – we went out just to buy some groceries and etc.

“ Yea “ Ramon said with a sad tone – or it’s just me hearing it?

“ Tomorrow actually – me, Ryan, and Peter “ He continued while checking the price tag of the tree. My face fall, it’s going to be silent, no bickering of the guys and no pranking each other and the worst of all they went back on Christmas day. It’s just going to be me and the house. All alone. I sigh.

“ Hey don’t be sad – it’s finally your time to find your brother and go to high school ? I mean if you want too “ Ramon said while patting my back and rubbing circles there to kept me from doing the waterworks.

“ Yeah, who said I’m sad “ – well you are, my subconscious said. I shook my head and put on a fake smile. It’s been a fun year with them, now it’s time to let go – just like I did to my parents. Training to fight with them is really fun – they said I learned fast, just like my parents. I don’t know what they meant by that, is that meant that my parents are captured by the UNICEF’s too? I shrugged the thought off and saw that all the guys are already at the cashier paying for stuff.

“ So what are you guys bought? “ I asked them with a smile.

“ Some bells, tree – that is going to be sent to the house as soon as they can, and some Christmas hat “ Ryan said while handing the money and told the cashier to keep the change, what a wise man.

“ Presents ? “ I asked while entering the car.

“ Now we’re going there “ Ryan said and went to the driver’s seat.


Hola! I've been gone for a week to Jogja and now I have the chance to upload the chappie. Hope you guys still keeping tune and keep Vote, Comment, Like, and follow. See you in a matter of hours.

Bye, xx, Chelle

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