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hoseok waited until he heard the door close before he tried to get up. he knew if he sat in the bed the whole time and let jimin's words ring in his mind he'd start to feel guilty. so he got dressed, wearing one of seokjin's sweaters and a pair of jeans that he left some time ago.

he got in his car turning on music wanting to drown out the thoughts that lingered at the back of his head. he pulled up in his drive way and stopped the car. yoongi's car was still in the parking lot meaning he was still home. it was early so he expected him to still be there. he didn't have to go to the studio until like 12:00 o'clock, unless he was going to his other job.

he inhaled deeply before stepping out of the car and walking up the steps. he walked into the house looking around and finding yoongi nowhere. he didn't call out to him because he wanted the time he was given to look for the boy to think over what he was going to say.

he knew that he was most likely still in their room so he checked every place but that one. a part of him wanted to just stay mad at yoongi and never forgive him but he couldn't. not after what jimin said. it's been over an hour since the talk with jimin and the guilt got to him quickly.

the guilt ate him up, made his insides churn, he felt his heart begin to get heavier with every second he waited. up until now, he was standing in front of the door and getting ready to walk in. he pushed open the door to see yoongi sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands in his head.

yoongi looked up and watched as hoseok quietly sat his keys down on the dresser and took a seat next to him. he was about to speak up but hoseok spoke first.

"i'm sorry." hoseok said which confused yoongi. in his eyes he was the one in the wrong. he lied and kept secrets, he was the one who broke their trust for each other, so why was hoseok apologizing?

"why are you apologizing hobi, you did nothing wrong." yoongi replied in a questioning manner. hobi shook his head and looked down at his lap, playing with his fingers.

"i didn't allow you to tell your side. i notice i tend to do that a lot. yeah you lied and kept secrets but you apologized and i never let you tell me why. so can you tell me why, please. i just wanna get back to the old us." hoseok said, looking his boyfriend in the eye. yoongi nodded before speaking up.

"i lied because of what happened with your parents. i knew how much you hated violence and gangs and anything dealing with what i am a part of so i kept it a secret from you." yoongi looked down in his lap, staring at his hands. hoseok reached over and placed his hand into yoongi's.

they both suffered from all of this but a part of him felt that yoongi suffered more. the way he left him, he knew how much they depended on each other yet he still left him. hoseok knew he couldn't be without yoongi any longer than what he was.

"i know you hate secrets but i had to hoseok, i thought i would lose you if i told you the truth. what gangs put your parents through, what they put you through, i thought you wouldn't want to be with someone like me at all." yoongi said lowly while lightly squeezing us boyfriend's hand.

"i know and i understand that but for 6 years yoongi. it wasn't even about what the secret was that made me mad, it was how long you kept it from me. you lied to me about this for 6 years. that really hurt yoongi but i understand. i understand why you did it. i probably would've done it too if i were you."

they both stayed quiet for a few minutes taking in each other's words. after all this time, they were finally about to move forward and not have these problems any more. hoseok was still trying to keep a level head, he didn't know how he was going to go along with having a boyfriend apart of the mafia but he's been unconsciously doing it.

"i'm still sorry hobi, i know that i hurt you and i'm so sorry for that. i kept a big part of my life away from you for years and there's nothing i can say nor do that can justify that."

"it's okay, i just want to move past this, get back to the way things were. i forgive you, as long as you promise to tell me when you are leaving and why. no more hiding phones and leaving the room while on the phone unless you absolutely have to."

yoongi nodded before throwing himself at hoseok. he had his hands wrapped around hoseok's waist with his head nuzzled in his neck. he missed so much, his heart warmed feeling hoseok's hands wrap around his neck. he swiftly pulled the boy in his lap. the held each-other for a long time, loving the warmth the other gave off.

they both felt it, they finally crossed a barrier that has been holding them back for 6 years. it may have taken longer than expected but they did it. they were already close but after breaking down this wall of secrets they felt that they'd become closer than before.

they'd go through their bumps here and there but nothing would ever compare to this. if they got through leaving each other for over a month and the lies and secrets they'd be able to get through anything life throws at them. no matter what it was, they'd get through it.

they may even be able to include one more person in their relationship. one person who's done a good job of hiding his feelings for the two. one person who they thought of as a friend nothing more. jimin...

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