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It was more than difficult for me to stay awake during class. Mrs. Aster was meek and old—I could barely hear a word she said. Luckily, the way the classes at Lunacrest worked was different than that of a normal high school. Instead of having to go from class to class, teachers of different subjects would come in at different times of the day. It was much more efficient that way.

Somehow, I managed to stay awake up until lunchtime. Almost all the girls scurried out of the classroom, leaving me to tidy up my desk. I wouldn't say I was a clean freak per se, but I did like to keep things organized. Without realizing it, a girl with caramel skin and another with pigtails approached me.

"Hey, you're the new girl right?"

I nodded. "My name is Camellia De León," I said, beaming with happiness.

"I'm Iris Khatri, and she's-"

"Tulip Taylors," she smiled, which revealed her dimples, "It's nice to meet you!"

My first friends!

"We were gonna go get lunch, wanna come with us?"

"I'd love to!" I immediately stood up from my desk and walked with them down to the cafeteria. It turned out that Iris and Tulip had a lot in common with me. They both shared a deep love for science, particularly biology.

Within the cafeteria, to no one's surprise, I found Angel surrounded by even more girls. I groaned internally. To my dismay, the two girls I had just met were headed towards Angel's direction.

"W-Where are you guys going?" I asked, afraid that they too had fallen into Angel's web of lies.

"To sit with Angel, you have to meet her!" Tulip chirped.

"Yeah! She's the sweetest." Iris smiled.

I frowned. "Actually, I'm just gonna sit outside. I need to breathe in the fresh air!" I awkwardly motioned over to the patio.

"Oh, alright, we'll go sit with you-"

"No, i-it's alright! I'm sure you want to talk to Angel as much as everyone else does. He- SHE... m-must be a wonderful person but seems to be preoccupied at the moment. I'll meet her another time." I gave a sheepish laugh.

They both looked at each other and shrugged. "Okay, we'll see you later then!" Iris and Tulip waved and I returned the gesture with a fake smile.

I was so irritated. I would've loved to have sat with them, but of course, Angel somehow got in the way of that. There was absolutely, positively, no way I was going to associate myself with him. I stomped all the way to one of the empty tables just outside the dining area. There was a big window between myself and the inside.

The only thing I could do was watch in agony and jealousy. Jealous at the fact that he was the center of their universe. I saw Iris and Tulip happily sit beside him. At that moment, Angel turned around to look at me. My eyes widened in horror as he blew a kiss my way and winked.

I wanted nothing more than to scream. He was getting in the way of everything I had dreamed of! Everything I yearned for! It had been decided. I was going to figure out a way of exposing him without Angel ever knowing it was me who exposed him in the first place. It was brilliant! Although, I needed to come up with an actual plan.

Angel Full of FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now