epilogue ✿

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Dear mamá,

I can't believe how long it's been since I've written to you in this journal. So much time has passed and so many things have happened since then. I'm no longer that seventeen-year-old girl who was so unsure of herself and who was quick to judge others before getting to know them. I am now twenty-nine years old, with a beautiful family and loving friends. If there is one thing I could tell my younger self, however, it would be that no matter what you go through, no matter how many hardships you may face, just know that there are so many people out there who support you no matter what. Some relationships and bonds are so strong and unbreakable.

My closest friends are all from high school. I'm sure you remember them: Tulip went off to study entomology (it's the study of insects, pretty cool huh!), Iris is so close to completing her doctorate, and Poppy became a clinical social worker! They're all so wonderfully successful that it makes my heart beam with pride.

Papá and Rosa are doing great! Papá was promoted to manager a few years ago at his job and we threw him a party to celebrate. I think I had a little too much to drink that night because I don't remember much! Rosa is working as an elementary school teacher–she loves it!

I became a marine biologist and will be starting my new job soon at a beautiful aquarium! And you might be wondering, well what about your son-in-law, Angel? Well, he actually decided that he wanted to open up a small flower shop, isn't that so cute?! He also does a bit of modeling on the side and he actually really enjoys it but just won't admit it, ha! I'm so proud of him, he's come such a long way. We both have.

But I wanted to write to you this one last time, mamá, because I feel like it's time to move forward. You are still such a huge part of my life and I know that you will always be there, not only in spirit but in other ways. I had a baby girl who reminds me so much of you, mamá.

I wish you could have met her. I actually named her after you, my sweet little Daisy. I'll leave a picture of her in here for you to keep. She's about to be four years old, it's amazing how fast time flies!

I love you more and more every day mamá and I know you'll always be watching over us

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I love you more and more every day mamá and I know you'll always be watching over us. This isn't goodbye, it's I'll see you later.

With eternal and unwavering love,
Camellia Garner

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