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"Are any of you going to the art showcase today?" Tulip asked as we all sat down under the nice shade of a tree in the garden for lunch.

Supposedly, there was going to be an art showcase this evening held in the gym. Considering there had already been an event dedicated to sports and science, the faculty thought it would be a good idea for there to be an event for the creative arts. I thought it was a marvelous idea.

"I was thinking about going," I said as I took a bite of my apple.

"Me too! We should all go together."

Poppy and Iris agreed to come along, however, Angel told us he would not be able to make it because he had other things he needed to take care of. He seemed to always have something to do. I offered him an extra cookie I managed to snag while the lunch lady was not looking. He flashed a smile at me and I blushed. Over time, I came to realize that he had a sweet tooth. It appeared as though my feelings for him grew stronger and stronger every passing day. Half the time, I would catch myself daydreaming about how his touch would feel against my skin.

How embarrassing! I shook away my nonsensical thoughts and continued listening in on the other's conversations.

"There's going to be a serious storm today," Poppy quickly mentioned.

Iris frowned in confusion. "What? But there isn't a single cloud in the sky. It's completely vacant."

We all then looked up. It was true. The sky was a brilliant blue—to a point where it was almost mesmerizing. A storm? It was not in the least bit surprising as there were occasionally spring showers that came and went often, however, it felt unlikely that there would be something as big as a storm. I had not heard of it until now.

Poppy said, "It's true. My mother called me about it today and she's never wrong about these things. It's her sixth sense."

I couldn't help but chuckle. Well, if there was going to be a storm, we would all be notified by the supervisors about it. They would not allow students outside the dorms if it occurred.

The rest of the day went on as usual. I had been eagerly awaiting the art showcase ever since lunch.

As soon as I stepped out of the main building, I noticed there was a blanket of gray clouds that was starting to spread across the sky like a fluffy bed of cotton. Perhaps there would be a storm today then.

"Camellia, let's go!" Tulip took my arm and the four of us headed straight towards the gym. There had already been a few girls waiting outside the front entrance.

This would be a fun and calming event for a change. No stress on having to win, no rude or two-faced people, and no one to damper the mood.

At least, that's what I thought.

As soon as they opened the doors, everyone made their way inside. They had set up a few arts on display at the sides of the gym. There were small shops where we could buy jewelry and trinkets made by hand.

"Let's start from over here!" Tulip pushed and pulled me along with her while Iris and Poppy went to check out the shops first.

We approached the very first painting located on the right side of the gym. I couldn't quite understand what the meaning behind it was. There was a small brown and black dog... sitting on a small red plane. It looked content. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to understand what in the world the artist was trying to convey with this.

"I guess they'll let just anyone become an artist these days," Tulip chortled.

I jabbed her lightly with my elbow. "Tulip, don't be rude! This is an intricate piece of art that..." I was unable to finish my sentence. Looking back at her, we both laughed. Perhaps not all art was meant to be interpreted.

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