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The copious amount of cotton candy slowed me down by the time the evening rolled by. We had spent the whole day walking around the entirety of the park and spent most of it waiting in lines. There were way too many people here today. Was it some sort of holiday?

We decided to take a break from the rides and played some fun carnival games instead.

"I want that one!" Poppy chirped as she pointed at a small plush panda on one of the display cases. It was one of the many prizes one could win at this shooting game.

We all cheered Poppy on as she tried, relentlessly, to shoot down all the bottles. She missed every single one. I felt bad, so I tried doing it myself.

Every time I aimed perfectly at one of the bottles, the gun would move. It was totally rigged. I huffed in frustration when I was only able to knock one down.

"Maybe next time," the man behind the counter smiled smugly.

Tulip gave him the finger and we all ran off to find some other game to play.

"Tulip, we could get in trouble!" Iris scolded.

She shrugged. "Who cares, it's almost time for the firework show anyway!"

I checked the time to find that she was right. This day had gone by so quickly, yet I never wanted it to end.

"Let's play this last game!" Tulip pointed at a booth that held even more plush animals. There was a big orca whale that I definitely wanted to win.

In this game, we had to toss rings into the tiny poles in front of us. Seemed easy enough. However, when it was my turn, the nerves started to kick in and I lost all of my concentration.

"Let me try." Angel stepped forward and carefully aimed. It was to no one's surprise that he nailed every single one.

"Which one would you like?" The lady running the booth asked.

He pointed at the one I had my eye on. It was almost the size of his torso. Angel then handed it to me and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

"I saw you staring at it, so I thought I would win it for you." He smiled.

I felt my face light up like a red Christmas light. "T-Thank you, Angel." I held it close to me, feeling the soft, fluffy black fur nuzzle my cheek.

"Lucky! Oh! Let's go play that one next!" Tulip grabbed onto Iris's hand and pulled her along with her.

We all tried to maneuver our way through the crowd. Suddenly, I felt someone step on my foot.

"Ow!" I yelled as I immediately crouched down to tend to it.

The man who did it quickly mumbled an "I'm sorry" and walked away. I furrowed my eyebrows angrily. Does no one have any respect these days?!

When I stood back up, I found myself completely alone—my friends were nowhere to be seen. There were a plethora of people walking back and forth, completely blocking my field of vision. I called out to them, one by one, but no one answered.

"Tulip?! Iris? Poppy?!" My breath hitched as I realized I could potentially be completely separated from my group. I would have called them, but I had stupidly forgotten my cellphone at the hotel.

And then tears started to well up in my eyes. "Angel?!" I choked.

I can't cry! Stop crying!

I hugged my orca tightly to my chest and buried my face deeply within it. All I saw was darkness, the sounds of people fell distant and muffled. I wanted to watch the fireworks with everyone so badly. I wanted to watch the fireworks with Angel.

Angel Full of FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now