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"Did you hear? She's back!"

I kept hearing the same thing over and over again as I made my way down the hall to class. Who was back? And why was everyone talking about her?

As I entered the classroom, my eyes immediately fell onto Angel's desk. It was empty. He told me he would miss class today because he had to help organize an assembly that took place this evening.

Right when I sat at my desk, Tulip and Iris shoved their faces into mine. Tulip's face said it all—she had news to tell us.

"Surely you guys have heard who's back, right?"

Iris and I shook our heads in unison. Tulip let out an exasperated groan as she bent her head backward. "It's Chyrs!" She revealed.

Iris's face fell into understanding. Not knowing who Chyrs was I asked, "Who is she?"

"She's the student council vice president! A fourth-year student who studied abroad in Italy last semester."

"She studied abroad?" I replied, "I would love to do that!"

Tulip nodded. "We all would, but only certain students are picked to go. It's actually a dream of mine to study abroad in Paris, find a cute french guy, and marry him."

Iris snorted in response. They immediately started bickering about how Tulip's dream would more than likely not come true. I was too busy thinking about Chyrs to join in on the conversation. If she was the vice president, then that meant she was close to Angel.

Why does it matter whether she's close to him or not?!

Was I... jealous? No, not possible. I tried shaking away the incessant thoughts. Mrs. Aster wobbled into class and promptly started teaching history. For the rest of the day, I simply focused on what needed to be done: a pop quiz in English, a worksheet for math, and a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.

I felt like a machine. Having feelings would soon prove to be more difficult than I could have ever imagined.


My face shot up from my desk. I hadn't realized that classes were over and that it was almost time for all the third years to go to the mandatory assembly.

I approached Mrs. Aster swiftly. As I stood at her desk, I placed my hands behind my back and answered, "Yes?"

"Could you take these down to the student council office?"

I nodded, watching as her weary old hands held out a hefty stack of random files full of papers for me to take. Tulip and Iris followed directly behind me as I left to complete Mrs. Aster's request.

"Need help?" Iris offered.

"No, I'm good. You guys should head on down to the assembly hall. I'll meet you there."

Tulip caught up beside me and inquired, "Are you sure?"

I gave them a reassuring smile. "Save a seat for me!"

With a nod, they both went the other direction and I made my way down the corridor, lost in thought.

I wasn't entirely sure what I would do with my feelings for Angel. It had been a few weeks since our talk and he felt a bit more bright, cheerful even. I wondered whether if it had to do with the fact that he had never told anyone about his trauma before. Perhaps a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. I quite enjoyed seeing him this way. Was I being too selfish?

Not looking where I was going, I accidentally slammed into someone, which sent the papers flying everywhere. I panicked.

"Ah! I am so sorry," I blurted as I bent down to pick up the papers.

Angel Full of FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now