Truth Is

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Did you think of me when you lied to me? Telling me all the things you thought I wanted to know. Making young me believe her life was perfect the way you made it to be. It wasn't, because look at me now. Is this how you wanted me to turn out? Young, broken and empty?

How dare you take me away from the one thing that was supposed to be a constant? My mother. How dare you turn me against her and ruin her life? Why did you do that? Was it part of a plan? Did you want to destroy her? Well you destroyed me too. You made me live a lie.

Truth is I cannot hate you for it, although I cannot understand it. I don't understand how you even thought of this. Ruining an innocent child's life before it even began. Didn't you feel guilty? Didn't you even think of telling me the truth? Why did you lie?

Truth is although I wanna turn back, I also don't. Was life meant to be like this? I am not sure, but I do know that when you left, it got worse before I got better. I was able to be with my mother again.

I cry when I think about the words you said that ruined me. But then I smile because at the end of the day, I regained what I lost: a mother's love.

Thanks to you, I lived half of my life as a damaged being. Having no purpose, no aspirations, no goals. I lived as an empty shell. Now my glass is being filled slowly. I am healing from the pain you caused.

Truth is you destroyed me and you didn't even realize it.

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