Sleepless Nights

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Liam woke up to Theo screaming in terror, pure terror. He broke into the guest bedroom that he let Theo stay in. It was the first night Theo was staying with him.

"Theo, wake up!" Liam shouted at him as the chimera sprung open his eyes. He took a look around the room as his eyes landed on Liam. He panicked and threw on clothes and attempted to go out the door.

"Theo, stop."

"I have to go, Liam."

"Why? You had a nightmare; Theo you've been through more than I can imagine. I think you are allowed to have some bad memories," Liam stared at him determined to let him not out the door.

"Get out of the way Liam," Theo tried shoving past him.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"What's wrong is that you won't leave me alone," Theo growled.

"Theo, I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Why do you care?"

"Because," Liam stared, "I care about you okay. I mean you're my friend; you saved my life countless times. I saved yours. I'm here for you."

Theo was taken aback; never in his life had he had someone say they cared about him. His parents were too busy with Tara to even notice him half the time; he didn't really have friends other than Scott and Stiles. It was always those two plus Theo though; he knew he could never break into their friendship. Theo gave into Liam's stupid puppy dog eyes and sat down on the bed.

"Fine, I have nightmares of the Skinwalkers' prison. When Kira sent me down there, my sister that I killed took her heart back over and over again. Happy now?"

"Theo, I had no idea," Liam said shocked. He saw Theo tearing up trying to fight them back. Liam sat down beside him.

"Sorry, I should really be going," Theo stood up.

"Theo, you don't have anywhere to go; you know you are allowed to show emotion once in a while," Liam grabbed his shirt.

Theo stared at him the boy's heart didn't skip a beat. He wanted to stay; he never wanted to leave Liam's side. He gave in again sitting back down.

"Hey, you know you can come get me when you have a nightmare," Liam touched his hand. Theo flinched at the touch; Liam Dunbar's hand was on his. He smelled in the beta's sweet scent.

Theo stared into his blue eyes, "Hey, Liam. What if I told you, I cared about you too?"

"Just kiss me dumbass."

Theo smirked pulling the boy on top of him; he wanted to do it for so long. In the elevator, carrying him away from the zoo, even with the ghost riders; he tried to push it down, but he couldn't anymore. He was in love with the beta.

They eventually broke off of one another's face and just stared at each other unsure of what to do.

"Guess we better not tell the pack about this," Theo chuckled.

"Oh, we are definitely telling them. I can't wait to see Malia and Stiles's faces," Liam smirked.

"I thought I was the only evil one, Little Wolf."

"What they doubted me that I knew what I was doing when I brought you back?"

Liam stood up to return to his room.

"Liam," Theo called out.

"What?" Liam turned around.

"What if you stayed, I mean," Theo tried to make some excuse that could cover the fact he was worried he was going to have another nightmare.

"As long as you don't steal all the covers," Liam jumped into the bed beside him.

Theo draped his arm over the small boy pulling him into his side and finally got a peaceful night of sleep.

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