Not Invisible Anymore

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TW: abuse from a parent, alcholism

Corey woke up to his phone ringing; his body felt sore all over, no matter how hard his supernatural healing worked the pain was still hard to overcome. He glanced at the time as he went to pick it up and panicked realizing he was going to be late to school.

"Hey Mason," Corey sighed.

"I've been out here for five minutes; where are you?"

"I'm coming," Corey groaned, "give me three minutes." He threw on some clothes, put mouthwash in his mouth, grabbed his book bag, and a granola bar off the counter, and ran out to his impatient boyfriend.

"Good morning sunshine," Mason looked over at Corey who looked exhausted.

"Morning," Corey tried to smile.

"Are you okay?" Mason asked him, knowing something was up.

"I'm fine," Corey glanced in the mirror, the black eye had already healed, the bruises on his arm were gone. He was fine.

"You know you can tell me anything."

"I know," Corey nodded. He hated hiding things from Mason, but he didn't know what to do. His dad wasn't a bad person, just sometimes he hit the drinks a little too hard. Corey just happened to be the only thing left for him to push away. Corey's mother left him a year earlier, just ran off with a new man, hasn't spoken to either of them since. It's not like his father blamed Corey, but he just decided to take out his frustrations on him. The chameleon tried to avoid him like the plague, staying over at Mason's, staying after school late, hanging with Liam and Theo, studying with Nolan; that was the whole reason he joined the lacrosse team, to begin with. He knew he was awful, but it kept him out of his house.

"Corey, we are here," Mason said gently touching his arm. He watched as his boyfriend jumped at his touch. He must have nodded off on their drive.

"Sorry, I just didn't sleep much last night," he went to grab the handle as he heard Mason child lock it.

"What's wrong?" Mason stared at him.

"Nothing, Mas, come on we are going to be late."

"Corey this is the second time this week you have been exhausted, 11th time this month. Yes, I kept track."

"I just, nightmares," Corey lied.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Corey scanned his brain for something to make up, "just the hunters coming back."

"You should call me, no matter how late it is," Mason told him.

"I can't wake you up."

"Corey, please wake me up; I'm getting worried about you."

"Okay, I love you," Corey grabbed his hand, "let's go."

"I love you too," Mason touched his arm and watched him flinch again. He didn't see anything wrong with it, but it looked like the boy was in pain.

The rest of the school day went by; Liam was about ready to meet Nolan and Corey in the locker room when he felt Mason grab him from behind.

"Geez, Mason I almost just punched you," Liam glared at his best friend.

"Something's wrong with Corey, and I don't know what is wrong with him. Has he told you anything? Have you heard anything?" Mason blurted out.

"Mason, first slow down, second have you talked to Corey; I mean he's not going to tell us something he didn't tell you," Liam tried to calm him down.

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