The Empty Guilt

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TW: Eating Disorders

Nolan was gripping a cup of black coffee as if his life depended on it. He was sitting at the McCall's kitchen table after they took him in. It made sense why Nolan so easily fell into the hunter's lead; the boy's parents left him while he was young, leaving him with his grandma. Except his grandmother died a year ago, leaving Nolan living alone for the past year. No one knew, no one cared until Liam figured it out one day. Melissa and Argent took him in with Alec since Scott left them with an empty nest.

"Nolan, do you want something for breakfast?" Melissa asked the boy who appeared way too focused on the mug.

"No, I usually don't eat breakfast," Nolan answered, watching his hands shake holding the mug.

"Actually, you don't eat at all," Alec sat down beside him, eating a bowl of cereal.

Melissa turned around and looked at him with concern. She could tell Alec was right; the boy had lost some weight since even the battle at the hospital. He didn't have much to lose, to begin with; she saw the bags under his eyes, the paleness of his skin, he wasn't okay.

"I eat," Nolan tried to defend himself.

"When?" Alec questioned him.

"Alec," Melissa looked at him sternly.

The werewolf returned to his cereal as Nolan just continued to drink the black liquid.

Alec ran upstairs to grab something before they left for school.

"Nolan," Melissa looked at him, "are you feeling okay?"

Nolan nodded his head.

"Honey, you know you can tell me anything."

"I do," Nolan told her, "thanks, Melissa."

Alec ran down the stairs.

"Let's talk about it after school," Melissa suggested.

"Okay," the boy grabbed his keys as Alec waited eagerly by the door.

"I'm sorry," Alec muttered halfway there.

"You should be," Nolan said angrily.

"I'm just worried about you, Nolan."

"I'm fine, Alec."

"Are you?"

"I said I'm fine."

"Then, why-"

"Just stop."

"Fine, I don't even know why I try with you sometimes; you open up for a second then the next moment you won't talk to me."

Nolan was taken aback by the boy's tone; he sounded desperate. He was right; Nolan didn't open up much at all. He felt bad; he didn't mean to hurt Alec, but he just wasn't up to talking about it. They pulled in; Alec jumped out slamming his car door. Nolan just laid his head on the steering wheel out of frustration with himself. He heard knocking on the window and was greeted by Liam and Theo standing slightly behind him.

"Hey," Nolan muttered opening his door. He felt his head spin and almost fell out, but Liam caught him.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked.

"I just have a migraine."

"From starving yourself," Theo replied bluntly.

"I'm not," Nolan tried to defend himself again, now they were on his case too.

"Whatever," Theo grabbed his other arm, pulling him onto his feet.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse," Liam suggested.

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