Depends on Mood

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Alec's Bipolar Disorder

Nolan was the first one to notice it. He lived with Alec at the McCall's house; he was around him the most, but he also was a bit more observant than the rest of the pack. He loved the boy; their bond was instant even before their relationship. They balanced each other out. Nolan usually was more reserved, worked hard, but always kind of just listened, while Alec was usually hyperactive, loud, and spontaneous. But sometimes Alec would switch, he would disappear into his room for hours not saying a word, snapping at everyone that came in his path, and just lost the energy to do everything.

"Nolan! Nolan! Nolan! Let's go," Alec jumped on his bed one morning.

"What?" Nolan slowly opened his eyes, looking at the excited beta.

"You look really cute when you just wake up," Alec kissed him.

"Alec, what's going on?"

"Let's go to the preserve and see if we can find that omega."

Nolan sighed; Liam and Theo were in the preserve yesterday and saw a young werewolf. Liam approached her, but the girl ran. She was scared they told them; she smelled of grief. They speculated that her pack was killed by hunters. Her eyes flashed blue before she ran away. They tried to track her but were unsuccessful. Liam instructed them to be on the lookout for her.

"It's 6 am on Saturday," Nolan groaned.

"Perfect time to go."

"Fine, give me a second," Nolan sat up as Alec kissed him once again, "hi, someone is very loving today."

"I just love you so much."

"I love you too," Nolan smiled watching the boy bounce up and down on the bed. It was a manic episode; he knew Alec had them once and awhile. Nolan was the only one that could deal with them. Liam usually got angry at him and told him to get away from him before he lashed out. Theo just ignored him straight up. Mason and Corey were a bit gentler about it, but you could tell he made them uncomfortable when he was in this state. The boy would ramble for hours, do weird spontaneous things, and just be very energetic. Nolan knew he had to be there with him in case he almost got himself hurt. One time he tried fighting a group of hunters alone, luckily Nolan followed him to save him.

The boy threw on a sweatshirt, jacket, jeans, and boots. He glanced at his phone, showing it was freezing outside. Alec ran down the stairs and was waiting by the door in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Alec, it's freezing outside, grab a jacket at least."

"We don't have time," Alec reached for the doorknob.

"Jacket now," Nolan stated firmly.

Alec rolled his eyes and ran up the stairs to grab one. Luckily, Melissa and Argent were both working and didn't get woken up by the beta running around.

Alec almost knocked Nolan down heading out the door. Nolan sighed and climbed into his car as Alec jumped into the passenger seat.

"Now, you can't go running off; we don't know what she's been through. She might be hostile."

"I'll be fine, Nolan; I have claws."

"I know, but-"

"I'll be fine," Alec said not even paying attention.

"Okay," Nolan said.

"What if she can be a new pack member? She might be fun, or we might have to kill her," Alec started rambling.

"Alec, all we are going to do is make sure she is okay, and see what she is doing here."

"Fine," Alec rolled his eyes as they pulled in.

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