Chapter .1

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~Kokichi's POV~

I watched as the press slowly came down on me, I wonder how the others would feel like after finding my body.....

I felt tears in the corner of my eyes.

'No I don't want it to end, please.'

My breath quickened.

'Why couldn't I have drank half of the antidote and gave Momota-Chan the rest, we both could survive. I'M SUCH AN IDIOT'

My tear steamed down and I held in my final breath

'I'm sorry.'

I felt every bone in my body start to break, it was horrible, I want to scream but I can't.

Then everything went black...

I opened my eyes....
And fell out of the same locker again......


I heard a voice yell out I looked to my left and see.....

"KIIBO!" I said, why did I shout that? Is this guy's name Kiibo or something?

The guy I called 'Kiibo' looked at me in shock

"H-how do you know my name, I-I never gave you that information!" Kiibo basically screamed in my ear. Ouch.
So his name IS Kiibo

"You have a mark on your face, Did you hit your head?"
I said while poking at his forehead.

"Yes I did hit my head, That locker door hit me straight in the face!" Kiibo exclaimed and swatted my hand away from his face.

"Anyway, how do you know my name?"
Kiibo said.

"That's not important right now, anyways- Do robots have dicks?"
I said, trying to get a reaction out of him, and Looks like it worked.

"Hey that's a robophobic remark!"
Kiibo shouted.

I felt like I just have deja vo, has this happened before?

"What's your name anyway?" Kiibo said as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'm Kokichi Ouma! The Ultimate Supreme Leader!"
I said proudly.

"Well I'm K1-B0 the Ultimate Robot, but you can call me Kiibo like you said earlier, I still don't understand how you knew my name?"

"I don't know ethier, maybe just a skill only Supreme Leaders have and not dumb robots."
I smirked.

"That's robophobic remark!"
Kiibo shouted again, he walked towards me and I walked away, but he went from walking to chasing me around the classroom as I shouted 'rObOpHobIC' comments to him.
I then heard the classroom door open and me and Kiibo stopped in pur footsteps.
I Look over and shouted....

"Kaede! Shuichi! Please get Kiibo over there to tell me if robots have dicks or not!"
There it goes again, is that even those guys names?

The guy I called 'Shuichi' had a shocked look on his face and hid behide his hat.

"H-how did you k-know our names." He said.

"Oh so I got it right again? I have no clue what's happening but for some reason I know all of your names, guess only the best with the best talent get this skill, unlike Kiiboy over hear who is just a lame robot with nothing Interesting about him."
I stuck my tounge out at Kiibo.

"That's robophobic!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, okay guys maybe we can calm down, and figure out why we are here and can't remember anything, okay?
Kaede said with a a kind smile.

"Fineeeeeee." I said, I crossed my arms and pouted.

"So, your Kiibo and you are......?"
Kaede looked towards Kiibo then towards me.

I sighed.
"I'm Kokichi Ouma the Ultimate Supreme Leader!"
"I own this hugeeeeeee evil organization with over 10'000 members." I tried lying, and seemed like it worked.

"W-whoa really, t-that's alot, but d-did you say evil?" Shuichi said.

"Yes I did, or i'm lying, cause ya know, I'm a liar." I said, just before Shuichi was gonna say something we hear.

"Testing, Testing, can everybody hear me, good! Now then head over the Gym immediately!"
I loud sort of robotic voice boomed out through the speakers, we all looked at eachotherm Shuichi and Kaede nodded before Kaede spoke.
"We should probably go, this might give us our amswer to why we are here."
Kiibo and I agreed and us four headed off to the gym.

As I looked around I saw many fimilar faces, like I've met them before.
Then that's when a figure popped from the stage then two popped up on the right, the two more on the left.
I noticed the first one immediately, and before they could say anything, I shouted.
"Monokuma!" Why am I calling people, and bears the first name that comes to mind.

'Monokuma' looked shocked and everybody in the gym stared at me.

"Wha- how did you-, okay whatever." I'm guessing his name was Monokuma because of how he reacted.

"Anways, welcome to the Academy for Gifted Juveniles! Anyways I'll get straight to the point, I am your headmaster Monokuma!"

"And you will all be apart of this wonderful Killimg Game, once the game begins, the only way for it to end it is for the culprit to be caught or the game will continue til there is only two people left, now here are your Monopads or E-Handbooks, the rules and all about your classmates are in this, now goodbye, and start killing eachother!"
Then monokuma disapeared, the other bears looked like the went with him too. But...........I remember now, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because I already knew....

'The Killing Game......'

'I thought It ended......'

'I'm suppose to be dead, I was crushed......'

'What is Going on....'

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