66; p a r t 2

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"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, an incredulous smile on my face as I look at Harry. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I see him beam beside me until the Duke catches my attention.

"We are going on an escapade!" He wraps his arm around mine, smirk on his lips and dancing stars in his eyes.

"An escapade?" I raise an eyebrow and everyone nods.

"Indeed, Madison. Now Liam, please open the secret passage!" He demands and his brown haired friend gives him a look before pulling on the book. We talk animatedly as we walk down the dark path, Louis and Sophia on both my sides while Harry leads the way. I'm still confused about this whole escapade thing, but I'm already enjoying it and the unknown only makes me more excited.

"So, are we going to Niall's club?" I ask and Louis gives me a side way nod.

"It's part of the plan, yes."

"The plan?"

"You'll see." Sophia giggles by my side. Arriving at the end of the tunnel, Harry pushes the metal fence open and we're finally out in the street.

"Why aren't you guys wearing hoods like prince Harry and I?" I wonder, looking at Sophia's short, black cotton dress and Louis' marine blue T-shirt and black jeans. They're all dressed casually with jeans and shirts, while I'm the only one who has a more fancy dress. I look down at my outfit, still glad that I decided to not wear really high heels and my dress is comfortable enough to move around.

"Because we aren't incredibly famous like you two." She explains. "And, you can call him Harry with us, y'know?" She giggles and I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank God, I find it so weird to say it properly anyway." Instead of taking the familiar path towards the Irish Pub, we turn in different streets until we stop in front of a tattoo parlor. "Someone is getting tattoos?"

"Yes," Harry says smiling, looking at me behind his shoulder. "You are." I stop dead in my tracks, making Sophia and Louis stumble a bit.

"No way. I am not getting a tattoo." I say in panic but frown when they all start laughing. Harry walks over to me, shaking his head.

"I was joking, love. We're just going to meet someone." I relax and stick my tongue out a him for scaring me. He chuckles as we enter the small store, being greeted by a smiling, skinny man with tattoos sprawled on his skin and a few piercings on his face.

"If it isn't Harry and his clique." He laughs, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Hey Tom, great to see you." Harry and him shake hands and I realize that it must be his tattoo maker, one of the few people who know about his secret tattoos.

"Great to see you too mate. Where's your lady?" I blush at his choice of words and Harry turns to look at me, extending his hand for me to take.

"Here's Madison." I untangle myself from Sophia and Louis, taking Harry's hand in mine. "Madison, this is Tom, one of my greatest friend."

"Nice to finally meet the girl he hasn't stopped talking about for the last two days." Tom chuckles, shaking my hand while I watch him with wide eyes. Harry clears his throat awkwardly while everyone in the room laughs with the tattoo maker. I'm probably red like a tomato by now, but it does make my heart warm up to know Harry talks about me with the people really close to him. "Alright, Lou is waiting for you upstairs." He claps Harry's shoulder and I look at him in confusion.


"She's my wife." He says. "And she'll be giving you two a small makeover."


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