The Bully (Part 2)

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Betty collapsed into a seizure, Jughead standing in shock with the rest of his friends until a voice broke them out of their trance.

"Fuck! Not again! Betty!" Cheryl came running over to the shaking girl, setting her head in her lap and stroking her hair. "Ok. How are all of ya'll so damn stupid! Someone call an ambulance! Please! Last seizure she almost didn't make it!" She snapped at the group until Sweet Pea pulled out his phone and began dialing.

"What do you mean 'last one'? This has happened before?" Jughead shouted, still staring at the girl he just kissed. "Yeah. She would take too much adderall ever since her family died and this is like the second seizure she's had. The excess adderall caused it." Cheryl quickly explained, still trying to calm her cousin.

"Did she take any pills when you were there yesterday? And if so how many?" Cheryl asked Jughead, putting him on the spot. "U- um she didnt last night. Not that I can remember." He stuttered. "Ok. So hey, how about that hospital!" she yelled, scaring Sweet Pea. "They're on the way. Itll be like 5 minutes they said." He jumped, dropping his phone. Toni laughed at him before getting a dirty look from Cheryl. She mumbled an apology under her breath and moved to help grab Betty, who had now gone limp.

After the ambulance arrived and Betty was allowed visitors, Jughead went up to talk to her. "Hey." He spoke, sitting next to her. "Look I'm sorry that you went through all that. And that my friends made you feel like that. And that I did that to you." Jugead began rambling before Betty kissed him again.

"Its ok. Well, it's not okay, but I forgive you. As long as you kissed me because you like me, not for some stupid dare." She told him. "I really do like you." He smiled and kissed her. "I like you too Juggie." She laughed. "Juggie?" He smirked. "Fine. As long as I get to call you Betts." Jughead held out his hand and after a moment of mock contemplation, Betty shook it. "Deal."

After Betty was discharged and people discovered that she was dating Jughead Jones, all teasing stopped. People stopped messing with her and she became friends with his friends, after they apologized. Cheryl and Toni started going out, and so did Kevin and Fangs. Betty and Jughead got married after high school, and now have 2 kids. Oliver, who's 5 and Juliet who just turned 2. What started as a sad story had a good ending.

""""""""''""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Word Count: 438

Yeah, really sucky ending, sorry
Thanks for reading!

-Ana K.

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