Chapter 2

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"We don't have all day old man hurry and get in." Dad took his sweet time getting into the van. "Call me old man again bet I won't burn you up right now." I stuck out my tongue. "I'm fire proof haha." I let a little blue flame rest on my hand. Showing off. "Stop showing off, and sit down." He pushed my head down, making fall in my seat.

"So what bank are we going to rob?" I leaned towards the front. Spinner and Shiggy were both there. "We're going big today kiddo, the main hall bank." I wondered why we were taking the car, if we could just use Kurogiri. "Uncle, why aren't we using Kurogiri?" I tapped on his shoulder. "Just a little excitement kid, or would you rather be boring?" We both smiled an evil smile.

"Y/n if you don't sit your ass down, and if we don't get this car moving I'll go to Kurogiri myself." What an old man. "Calm your pants down boomer." I stuck out my tongue, sitting down. "I'll burn this whole car into bits, and it'll be your fault." I laughed loudly, Toga joining me. "You. can't. hurt. me." I mocked him. Me and Toga cracking ourselves up. "Very funny." Dad rolled his eyes clearly annoyed with all of us.

Spinner started the car up. Today was going to be my day.
We pulled up to the bank, everyone ready to walk out. They discussed the plan again between themselves. I was too excited to listen.

"You guys ready? You guys better not fuck this up." Shiggy gave us some beautiful words of encouragement. "Guess I'm taking your job now huh dad?" I poked him in the rib. "Ha, you wish." He looked down at me, sharing the same smile.

"Watch me." I gave him a smile. "On the count of three. Everyone ready? 1, 2, 3!" We all jumped out of the van. Me and dad first, Toga and Twice behind us. Uncle Shiggy was always last.

We burst the doors, taking care of security. "Ready to see what I can do?" I looked at dad, a big smile on his face. He nodded.

I walked up to the front desk. "Miss, listen. You could call the police now, but I would have to kill you. So please, EVERYONE! Get to the middle of the room or your toast." To make them listen, I shot a burst of flames all over the place. My arm felt tingly, like a tickle. I looked up, beautiful flames, pouring out of my hand like a fountain. "That's my girl." He whispered. I felt my smile get even bigger.

Uncle Shiggy walked in. He was going to break down the door. Toga and Twice were going to break in after he brought the door down.

I had to see this happen, I could never get enough of him disintegrating things. With just one touch of his finger the whole door came down.

Suddenly dad started shooting flames. "Y/n hide with the crowd! NOW!" I looked quickly at him. He was looking up at something in the sky. I looked up. What seemed like an angel what falling down. "Y/n now!" He had his arm ready. I slid into the group of people. Horrified faces stared back at me.

"If you say one word I'll blow all of you guys at once." I whispered to everyone there.

The angel landed, immense heat came after. Number 3 hero hawks. Dad hated him. If only I could help him.

He's won't be able to keep this going on forever, sooner or later he's going to burn himself alive if he doesn't catch him soon. "Are you guys okay?" A hand on my shoulder. I turned quickly to see who it was. They seemed about my age. Then I saw the big wings behind him. Unlike hawks, their wings were pure white. The more I looked at them the more they resembled hawks. I felt disgusted.

That's when my mind came back. Shit. I'm going to get caught. I looked at them in the eyes. They stopped moving. "Are you okay miss?" They offered me a hand. Maybe I wouldn't get caught.

"Y/n! What the fuck are you doing!? Get away from them! Run." I looked at dad. "What a pretty creation you have there. Maybe my child could get along with them. Don't you think so?"

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