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Okay, I was watching Sherlock gnomes and this just pop up in my head. It's gonna be a little different too so enjoy

Sparky look around at the garden and started to pick up the leaves

Cybil walk to sparky and look down at the plants

"Hey sparks I thought we were gonna plant them over there," He said looking at the plants then looking at her

"Oh well I thought they would look better over here," She said and continued to pick up the leaves

''Oh okay then, here let me help you" He said helping her pick up the leaves

Sparky stop and started to think
"You know this garden is missing something," she said looking around

"Oh yeah I was just thinking, maybe we could add a centerpiece and put something in the centerpiece, " Cybil said smiling at her

Sparky stayed quiet for a min then turn to him
"I got it! We need a

Cybil look at her a little confused
"I just said that, oh well Great minds think alike am I right?" Cybil said putting his hand up with a smile

Sparky groaned
''Aw I better get started on it
Theirs so much work to do" She said and walk away

Cybil watches her and puts his hand down. His smile went away and he signt

Barb came over to him
"oooo looks like someone's not paying attention," barb said

Cybil signed
"You know its like ever since poppy put her in charge of the garden she's just been ignoring me and not paying attention to me at all'' he said looking at barb who wasn't paying attention

Barb snap out of it and look at him
"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. Dude look how about you just go and steal a spider and fight the spider in front of sparky!" Barb said

Cybil look at her shock
"Okay no! I am not fighting a spider" he said shaking his head

"Well its either that or berries or something," Barb said

Cybil smiled
"That's it! Berries! Aw thanks barb! Your a genius" Cybil said and kiss her cheek and walk away

Cybil saw branch and walk over to him

"Branch! I need your help" Cybil said

"Of course follow me," Branch said as lead him into the bunker

"Okay I need to find the right place that has berries," Cybil said looking at branch

"Oh, I know where but it's not gonna be fun. I know theirs some next to where the spiders are at but don't worry I have a little cam I can put on you so I can keep an eye on you and a walkie-talkie" Branch said

"Great! Let's do this!"
Cybil tape the camera around him and look at branch and smiled


Cybil hid in the bush and look around for any critters or spiders
He looks around and see the berries on some bushes between some rocks and smiled

"Branch I see them," Cybil said

"Great! But how are you gonna get them?" Branch ask

"Oh don't worry, I'll just use my hair and go up to get them
I call it pulling a cybil"
Cybil used his hair to pull himself up

He pulled the basket out of his hair and lookup and seen a spider sleeping and started to pluck the berries out quietly and put them in the basket


''Cybil? " Sparky went down into branch's bunker

"Hey, branch have you seen cybil?" She asks

Branch jump as he tried to hide the screen but sparky saw it

"Uuhhh no? Well yeah" branch said nervously

"Wait is that cybil? What is he doing?" Sparky said

Cybil heard sparky's voice
And almost fell off but caught himself
He signs and climb down and step on a stick and the stick crack. The spider woke up and seen Cybil and jump down and ran towards him

Cybil scream and ran as fast as he could. He ran and went into a dead-end and look up and seen some rocks. He held on to the basket and started to climb. He looks behind him and seen the spider running towards him. He gasps and tried to reach up to the branch that was at the top but couldn't

Sparky was at the top and seen Cybil and reach her hand out for him to grab

"Hurry!" she said as he grabs her hand and she pulled him up


Sparky walk back to the village mad

She saw poppy, branch, barb, trollex, snack pack
She walks past them

Cybil ran after her
"Sparks wait! I-I can explain" he said smiling nervously

Everyone was behind cybil watching quietly

Sparky stop and look at him mad
"What were you thinking!?"
She said

"I-I was getting these, remember these," he said holding up the basket of berries

"You risk getting killed for some berries?!" She said looking at him

"Not some berries our berries. I-I did this for you" Cybil said

"You did this for me? For me?! Look I don't have time for this I got responsibilities!" Sparky said about to walk away

"No you just don't have time for us," Cybil said making sparky stop

"Look there will be plenty of 'us' time once I get the garden ready"

"Unbelievable! What do you care more about the garden or me!" Cybil said raising his voice

"Oh, you're being ridiculous!" Sparky said raising her voice

Both walk towards each other

"That is not an answer!'' Cybil said

"The garden can't wait! You can" Sparky yelled and pointed her finger at him

The snack pack gasp at what sparky said

Cybil look at her shock

The end!
Okay enjoy and you can go ahead and request anything from trolls

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