8. The Vents

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 Hornet and Ghost were back in their apartment, going over certain things. It was the day after the two of them had visited the Hollow Knight, and they had kept themselves busy. Hornet had cleared out the apartment and placed all of the unnecessary items out of the way. She put the TV in her room and redid the entire open-concept living room into a sort of training area for her sibling. It was a decent sized area, but it was no replacement for the parking garage downstairs. The two of them had gone over every single one of Ghost's charms, picking out the ones that they preferred. They had tried them out in the parking garage, just in case they'd cause an explosion or something. A few of them came pretty close to causing an explosion, but most of them just changed a certain aspect of them. Hornet's favorite charms included one she thought was pretty OP, Unbreakable strength, and quick slash. They made a deadly combination when it came to close combat attacks. She also liked the Shaman Stone, a charm that increased the power of their spells. They could use all of the charms relatively well, even some of the more useless charms. (at least in Hornet's opinion) The only one that didn't make any sense was unbreakable greed, for obvious reasons.

The two of them had been sitting in the reconstructed living room for a while, as Hornet sketched out what she remembered of the police station. It wasn't very helpful, though, as the station was huge and Hornet could barely remember the layout of the hallways she darted through. Ghost was running around the living room, jumping over tables and dodging invisible objects. They were surprisingly quiet while doing so, which Hornet liked, since she could focus on her sketches.

"I wonder..." she said aloud, her pencil poised over the paper. "Do you think there might be a layout of the prison system I could find?"

Ghost landed gracefully on the floor after an impressive flip, and stared at her emotionlessly. Hornet sighed. Sometimes she wished her sibling could talk to her.

"It would be a really suspicious thing to ask for." she muttered. Ghost climbed up onto the table Hornet was drawing on, and looked at some of her sketches. "But it would be really helpful if I could get my hands on something like that..."

Ghost continued to look at the sketches. They were curious about them, and they looked really familiar, despite the fact that they'd never seen them before.

Something resurfaced in Ghost's memory. They got off the table and walked toward their bedroom, opening the door and looking in the closet. They took their old map of Hallownest off the shelf and returned to Hornet, spreading it out on the table.

She looked confused. "Ghost, I know you have this, but we're trying to figure out what the police station looks like. This is what Hallownest looked like. We can't use this."

The two of them stared at the map for a moment. Hornet picked up her pencil and tapped the map of Hallownest. She looked in deep thought.

"Wait..." she muttered, her eyes narrowing. "Ghost... you don't think you could map the police station, could you?"

If there was one thing Ghost was good at, it was mapping. It didn't require much thought, and they were excellent at measuring exact distances. It was why their map of hallownest was so accurate, and everything was perfectly to scale. Perhaps they could try to map the police station.

"But I don't think I can go back there..." Hornet muttered. "And I doubt you could just waltz in there either. There's no easy way to map that place out."

Ghost would have loved to give their input, but the fact that they couldn't think was a slight barrier.

Hornet continued to tap the table with the pencil. She started to think about what she had seen in the station. Was there any place they could possibly go that they could map it out? She sat there, deep in thought, for a while.

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