11. The Hunt

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 Before the Radiance had visited the Hollow Knight yesterday, She had planned to visit them again after then. But she had nothing else to say to them, and she doubted that the police would even let her back there again. So this day she planned to dedicate to Hornet. She would start at the bar she had worked at, and try to work her way up to find her location.

She had Franklin drop her off at the bar. She told him to spend his time trying to find a lead on Grimm, but she was pretty sure he wasn't going to, and she didn't care too much about that. Grimm was probably the least of her worries-- the main reason she wanted to speak to him was to talk about what happened to the world. Other than that, he was pretty useless to her.

At least, as far as she thought.

She entered the bar and sat at the counter with only one goal in mind. There weren't too many people here today, since it was early morning and nobody sane would actually visit a bar in the morning.

One of the bartenders walked over to her and asked her lazily, "what do you want?"

"Your help." she replied immediately. He looked up, the look on his face somewhere between confusion and annoyance.

"I don't think I can help you." he frowned. "Also, I have a girlfriend, and you look too old for me."

Radi raised an eyebrow. "What gave you the idea that I was interested in you?"

"Women typically are." he looked smug. He had a very punchable face, and it took the Radiance a lot of self control not to swing at him.

"I'm looking for your coworker."

"Yeah, she's straight." He commented. He looked like he was proud of himself, like he just made a nice joke. The Radiance pursed her lips.

"I'm talking about the coworker that hasn't been here for a few days." she specified.

"Oh! Yeah, what's her name?" He taps the counter with one finger. "Herrah, I think. What a weird name. Can you imagine her parents coming together and thinking, yeah, I think Herrah's a good name for--"

"Quiet." Radi growled. "What do you know about her?"

He smirked. "I don't know jack shit about her. All I know is she hasn't been here these last few days and she's made my job a hell of a lot harder."

"Did anything happen the day she stopped coming to work?" Radi persists.

"She got a call or something and left." he shrugs. "Why do you even care?"

"I'm her friend."

"You sure you ain't her girlfriend?" He looks proud of himself again. The Radiance really wants to punch him.

"Do you know the number that called her?"

He laughs. "You want me to go through our call history?"

"So you do have the number?"

"Probably somewhere. Might have to scroll a while on that phone." He nods toward the phone on the wall, sitting behind the counter. The Radiance stands up and walks around to the other side of the bar before the bartender stops her.

"Yo, you can't just walk back here." He said. The nerve of this kid. Radi straightened her back so that she stood much taller than him.

"Watch me." She hissed. She pushed him out of the way and headed toward the phone. The few people in the bar were looking at the two of them.

"Bro, you can't just do that." He said, without moving or making any attempt to stop her. "I mean, whatever, but like, you seem really into her. You sure she ain't your girlfriend?"

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