13. The Pornstar

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 The Radiance and Franklin stood about a meter away in her apartment. He had just entered, with knowledge of a certain Nightmare King in his mind. He had made up his mind about the ultimatum— and he had decided to present it to her. He kept reminding himself that he had nothing to lose, but her eyes made him want to cower in fear.

"I have information about Grimm."

The Radiance raised her eyebrow. She hadn't expected this— she was almost sure he wasn't going to look around yesterday for information. "Spill it."

"See..." he clasps his hands together, smiling nervously. "I will, I'll totally give you the information, but... I just want to ask for a promise."

"Hmm." Radi couldn't deny the fact that she was expecting this, or at least something like it. She couldn't keep the guy around forever. "What exactly are you seeking?"

"See, I just... not that I don't love doing this, but I'd like to go back to my house and live the rest of my life." He says this all very quickly. "And I want you to promise that you'll let me go after I give you this information."

The Radiance smirks. "You don't need to lie to me." She walks toward him, and stops a foot in front of him. "Sure. I'll let you go. As long as you don't tell a soul about me. Because if you do, you'll regret it."

"No, of course not." He shakes his head frantically. "Of course I won't."

"Then it's a deal." She begins to walk around him. "Where is the Troupe Master?"

"Well..." he looks at Radi before reaching into his bag and pulling out a laptop. "I don't quite know where he is, but I know what he does, and I know he's in this city."

"How, exactly?" Radi watches as he opens the laptop and enters the passcode. She makes a note of it in the back of her mind.

"See..." he's having trouble saying that Grimm is an erotica content creator. "I mean, I found his website, if you'd like to take a look at it."

"Perhaps." The Radiance takes a seat on the couch, and motions for him to give her the computer. She knew how to use one, just as of yesterday. She's been growing in her knowledge of technology, mostly through pertinent observation. As much as people might assume she's completely clueless on everything, because she's an age old god, she's rather self-sufficient.

She takes the laptop in her hands and begins to look at the website. It takes her a whole minute to process what she's seeing. Her face gets redder and more unsettled as she scrolls down the page.

"Well..." she sighs, closing the laptop. "I would have never expected this from him."

"Uh huh." Frank clasps and unclasps his hands nervously. "If you don't mind, I think I'll be going now."

He reaches down to grab the laptop, but Radi grabs his arm to keep him from moving anymore. "Not yet. I have one more thing to ask of you."

He stands up straight again. "What is it?"

"Pay for a full month of this... website." She taps the laptop. "And let me keep the laptop for a bit."

"You—" he looks shocked. "I need my laptop. And I'm not gonna buy that just so I can help you get off to him."

Radi narrows her eyes, frowning. "Is your laptop more valuable than your mind? You're going to do this if you want to leave."

He doesn't say anything for a moment, until he scoffs and takes the laptop back. He starts to enter in his account information.

"You freak." He hissed. "You made me do all this to wank to him?"

"Do you really believe I want that?" Radi frowns. "The Nightmare King is more of a brother to me than anything else. I have absolutely no interest in doing any of your... physical affection with him."

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