chapter 1: new guy

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chapter 1:
new guy

"You're a real asshole you know." Sanji puffed a cloud of smoke.

"I know."

"Luffy told me what you did."

"I know."

"Imagine cheating on him and looking like a depressing dick after a whole year." He laughed.

"Can you just tell me where he is?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Fine, but you seem better now. And I honestly feel like Luffy..." Sanji paused, "Needs help.."

"Why?" I shot up from the couch.

"He's been, strange since you guys broke up."

"What do you mean by strange?"

Sanji gave me a slip of paper, "You'll find him there in that town. He didn't tell me his address though, he said it's personal."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Just don't go messing up," He said, "You only have one more chance."

"I know.."



"You look so pretty right now." Eustass kissed my bare shoulder.

"It's early right now, I don't want to do it." I yawned.

I've been with him for about a year, and it's been rough. Sometimes we'd get in fights then the next day we'd be apologizing to each other. It all ends in sex either way. Eustass tends to get jealous a lot.

He signed me up for dance class a few months ago, when he found out my dance partner was an Alpha he beat him up for just holding my waist. Eustass claims the guy was "violating" me when we were just dancing.

Some days he gets really mad, but he apologizes the next day.

"C'mon Lu," He kissed my cheek, "You're so cute right now."

"I don't want to." I wrapped my blanket around me.

"Fine.." He rolled his eyes and got up, "I'll drive you to dance practice later. I have to go to the shop."

"Bye." I groaned.

"Aren't you gonna give me a kiss?" He smiled.

I got up and kissed him on the lips, "Bye Eustass, I love you.."

He kissed me on the forehead, "I love you too baby."

When he left I changed into my workout outfit, it was some basic Nike shorts and a red tank top. Eustass usually comes back in a few hours, I don't want him pestering me for more sex as I work out. I sighed and played a workout routine on my phone, I put my earbuds in and started to stretch.

I haven't seen Law since our fight, I wonder if he's doing okay. No, I shouldn't be thinking like that. He doesn't love me, like how I used to. Besides I have Eustass now, he's all I need.

Some people have called our relationship toxic. Sabo, Ace, and Sanji, but we never listened. I guess we're just trying to fill the empty holes we have inside each other's hearts. We're just messed up together. It's not like I'm looking into a deep relationship.

Does Eustass have any money? I need to buy new dance shoes soon. I looked inside the pockets of his jacket, oh no.

A ring, a fucking ring.

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