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  • Romeo and Juliet
    4.1M 52.4K 27

    Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, t...

  • Gulliver's Travels (1726)
    124K 1.8K 42

    Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, better known simply as Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), is a novel by Anglo-Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of...

  • The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)
    1.2M 16.2K 21

    "The Picture of Dorian Gray" tells of a young man named Dorian Gray, the subject of a painting by artist Basil Hallward. Basil is impressed by Dorian's beauty and becomes infatuated with him, believing his beauty is responsible for a new mode in his art. Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton, a friend of Basil's, and becomes...

  • Moby-Dick; Or, the Whale (1851)
    256K 3.4K 138

    "Moby-Dick" tells the adventures of wandering sailor Ishmael, and his voyage on the whaleship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab has one purpose on this voyage: to seek out Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white sperm whale. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bi...

  • Honoré de Balzac: Otac Goriot
    1.8K 19 6

    Tematika romana je ljubav oca Goriota prema kćerima koje ga iskorištavaju i želja mladog čovjeka iz provincije da uspije u velikom gradu. Problematika koja se obrađuje u romanu je: očinska ljubav koja ne poznaje granice, želja za uspjehom u gradskoj sredini i težnja za društvenim ugledom, posesivna, odana i slijepa...

  • Antun Gustav Matoš: Camao
    1.1K 6 1

    Pripovijetka Camao, prvi put objavljena godine 1900. u sarajevskom časopisu Nada kojega je uređivao Kranjčević, uvrštena je u Matoševu zbirku Novo iverje (1900.), koju smo objavili u cijelosti.

  • Hanibal Lucić: Robinja
    433 6 7

    Robinja je prva svjetovna drama na hrvatskome jeziku autora Hanibala Lucića. Drama nema bogatu razvedenu dramsku radnju: u tri čina, u dvostruko rimovanim dvanaestercima, Robinja oblikuje dramsku priču o Robinji koju u gusarskom zarobljeništvu pronalazi njezin bivši udvarač ban Derenčin. Drama završava sretno: vjenčan...

  • Ksaver Šandor Gjalski: Pod starim krovovima
    744 2 14

    Jedno od najznačajnijih djela Ksavera Šandora Gjalskog Pod starim krovovima (izvorno objavljena pod naslovom Pod starimi krovovi) zbirka je dvanaest pripovijedaka s podnaslovom i istoimenim uvodom - Zapisci i ulomci iz plemenitaškog svijeta. Iako zasebne cjeline, priče, pisane u prvom licu, tematski su povezane idea...

  • Vjenceslav Novak: Posljednji Stipančići
    1.3K 35 17

    Roman Vjenceslava Novaka Posljednji Stipančići (1899) za temu ima propadanje jedne senjske patricijske obitelji na početku 19. stoljeća. Tematizira i neravnopravnost spolova, sukob tradicionalnih vrijednosti i morala i novog, liberalnog doba, problem umjetnika i intelektualaca, socijalnu i političku problematiku, te k...

  • Slavko Kolar-Breza
    542 10 1

  • Thomas Mann: Smrt u Veneciji
    1.6K 8 5

    Roman koji pripada najranijem Manovom stvaralaštvu. Ovaj kontroverzni roman bavi se problemom ljepote i ljubavi njome prouzrokovane. Igrama sila strasti i opijenosti lijepim prepušta se i glavni junak romana Smrt u Veneciji, Gustav fon Ašenbah.

  • August Šenoa: Prijan Lovro
    2.5K 15 2

    Ovom pripovijetkom, "crticom po istini", August Šenoa po prvi put u hrvatsku književnost uvodi kasnije često obrađivanu temu: tragičnu sudbinu intelektualca seoskog podrijetla, čiji teški životni put završava tragedijom. Glavni junak je pohrvaćeni slovenski jezikoslovac, pripovjedačev prijatelj sa studija iz Praga, Lo...

  • Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski: Idiot
    7.4K 71 51

    Idiot je ne samo jedan od najvažnijih romana F. M. Dostojevskoga, nego i jedan od najutjecajnijih i najcjenjenijih romana svjetske književnosti uopće, te preteča suvremenog psihološkog romana. Središnji lik romana je idealan, moralan, dobar i human lik mladog kneza Miškina, "idiota", koji se po povratku iz švicarskog...

  • Mihail Jurjevič Ljermontov: Junak našeg doba
    825 2 7

    Prijevod: Milan Bogdanović Godine 1839-1841. Mihail J. Ljermontov je napisao svoje uz poeziju najpoznatije djelo i jedini roman, Junak našeg doba (Geroj našego vremeni), smješten u vrijeme Kavkaskih ratova. Nakon Puškinovog Evgenija Onjegina to je jedan od najvažnijih romana kojemu je u središtu "suvišni čovjek...

  • Lav Nikolajevič Tolstoj: Uskrsnuće
    1.3K 30 15

    Uskrsnuće (Воскресение, 1899.), dugo očekivani prvi veliki Tolstojev roman nakon Ane Karenjine u prodaji je nadmašio i Rat i mir, ali usprkos odličnom prijemu nije ostao zapamćen kao antologijsko djelo. Nehljudov, lik mentora iz piščeve Mladosti, u Uskrsnuću je plemić je koji traži iskupljenje za štetu nastalu njego...

  • Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski: Zločin i kazna
    6.4K 73 8

    s ruskoga preveo Iso Velikanović

  • William Shakespeare: Hamlet
    9.8K 54 20

    Hamlet je tragedija Williama Shakespearea, jedna od njegovih najpoznatijih i najizvođenijih tragedija na pozornicama širom svijeta. Napisana je u periodu između 1600. i ljeta 1602. godine, u drugom razdoblju Shakespearova stvaralaštva. Legenda o Hamletu spominje se već u 9. stoljeću i potječe iz drevnih skandinavskih...

  • Black Beauty (1877)
    228K 7.6K 49

    "Black Beauty" is narrated as an autobiographical memoir told by the titular horse named Black Beauty—beginning with his carefree days as a colt on an English farm with his mother, to his difficult life pulling cabs in London, to his happy retirement in the country. Along the way, he meets with many hardships and reco...

  • Wuthering Heights (1847)
    1.9M 21.4K 34

    Wuthering Heights is a wild, passionate story of the intense and almost demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherine's father. After Mr Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Catherine's brother Hindley and wrongly believing that his love for Catherine is...

  • Jane Eyre (1847)
    1.8M 24.7K 41

    "Jane Eyre" follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous character, including her growth to adulthood, and her love for Mr. Rochester, the byronic master of fictitious Thornfield Hall.

  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)
    183K 2.6K 45

  • Oliver Twist (1837)
    337K 5.9K 52

    The story is about an orphan, Oliver Twist, who endures a miserable existence in a workhouse and then is placed with an undertaker. He escapes and travels to London where he meets the Artful Dodger, leader of a gang of juvenile pickpockets. Naively unaware of their unlawful activities, Oliver is led to the lair of the...

  • Anna Karenina
    1.4M 29.5K 239

    "Anna Karenina" is the tragedy of married aristocrat and socialite Anna Karenina and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky. The story starts when she arrives in the midst of a family broken up by her brother's unbridled womanizing—something that prefigures her own later situation, though with less tolerance for h...

  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
    1.2M 13K 12

    "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children.

  • Pride and Prejudice (1813)
    10.2M 218K 61

    The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertf...

  • Great Expectations (1861)
    1.3M 12K 60

    On Christmas Eve, around 1812, Pip, an orphan who is about six years old, encounters an escaped convict in the village churchyard while visiting the graves of his mother, father, and siblings. The convict scares Pip into stealing food and a file to grind away his shackles, from the home he shares with his abusive olde...

  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)
    184K 3.4K 37

    "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River.
