Fridayfictionettes Stories

129 Stories

A Word in Your Ear (Excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
A Word in Your Ear (Excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
She was a Princess. She would be sixteen tomorrow. But tonight would cause tomorrow to move an entire world away.
Mucking Out the Kelpie (Excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Mucking Out the Kelpie (Excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
You think YOUR day job sucks? Honey, don't even get me started.
In Your Lifetime by NicoleJLeBoeuf
In Your Lifetimeby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Magda led young Domden to face the last statue, the most important, the one that all children graduating into adulthood must name for themselves without benefit of prior...
It's Not Weird If It Works (Excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
It's Not Weird If It Works ( Nicole J. LeBoeuf
When winning is everyone's responsibility, losing could be anyone's fault. Who let the team down this time?
I Didn't Ask for Champagne (Excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
I Didn't Ask for Champagne ( Nicole J. LeBoeuf
No one gets to choose how they feel--but it seems unfair that someone else should get to choose how I'm going to feel.
Each Note Passes Away Forever (Excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Each Note Passes Away Forever ( Nicole J. LeBoeuf
There's something about this town they don't talk about in the brochures. It's too sad, and you wouldn't believe it, anyway—not until the parade passes by.
Protective Coloration (Excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Protective Coloration (Excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Sure. An optical illusion. You just keep telling yourself that--while you can.
Because You Weren't There by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Because You Weren't Thereby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Because you would be missed. Because everyone deserves second chances. Because death is a tragedy and life is a triumph. Because.
The Thing with Feathers by NicoleJLeBoeuf
The Thing with Feathersby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
When hope is the only thing left to keep you going, that's when it's time to grow wings.
Love of Country by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Love of Countryby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Shut up and patriot harder!
It's a Good Time (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
It's a Good Time (excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
"I know bad ju-ju when I smell it."
Premature Labor (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Premature Labor (excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
There's no planning it. It happens when it happens. And Murphy's Law says it'll happen at the most inconvenient time possible.
Death by Chocolate (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Death by Chocolate (excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
He had the power and the wealth to command any pleasure, and the result was that all life's pleasures had begun to pall.
Call the Exterminators (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Call the Exterminators (excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Just another psychic parasite, preying on my emotions.
Love, Death, and Really Bad Movies (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Love, Death, and Really Bad Nicole J. LeBoeuf
As first dates went, this one didn't have much going for it.
The Sandpit Oracle (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
The Sandpit Oracle (excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
The Oracle predicts that you will not like what you hear, and may do something foolish because of it.
Doors Do Swing Both Ways (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Doors Do Swing Both Ways (excerpt)by Nicole J. LeBoeuf
It's a handy place to put your stuff, but are you sure it's safe?
Death By Water by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Death By Waterby Nicole J. LeBoeuf
I can grant you the knowledge you seek, but first be very sure you want it.
Or You'll Be Late for School (excerpt) by NicoleJLeBoeuf
Or You'll Be Late for School ( Nicole J. LeBoeuf
Again she saw thick stone walls in her mind's eye. Her mind's ear reported trumpets, a royal fanfare.