Grantgoddard Stories

46 Stories

You can't tell me what I'm doing wrong : 1976 : And Mother Makes Four, Camberley by grantgoddard
You can't tell me what I'm doing Grant Goddard
"Why are you choosing a university so far away?" aunt Sheila demanded of me. "You should commute from home to Guildford so you can help your mum." I...
Around the British Rail network in 800 mins : 1976 : Durham University challenge by grantgoddard
Around the British Rail network Grant Goddard
"Which bus goes to the University, please?" I asked. The man replied helpfully, but I could not understand a word he had said. He spoke English, though not an...
Mining for news in an editorial black hole : 2004-7 : Paul Boon, Radio Magazine by grantgoddard
Mining for news in an editorial Grant Goddard
Magazine editors. What do they do? "They create editorial calendars, develop story ideas, manage writers, edit content and manage the production process..." ac...
The great brains robber fearful his collar... : 1991 : Gordon McNamee, KISS FM by grantgoddard
The great brains robber fearful Grant Goddard
"If this gets out, we're screwed," my boss told me. Actually, I have paraphrased because at least one expletive was guaranteed in this man's every sentence. He...
If you go down to the lemon groves today : 2017 : Mar Menor, Spain by grantgoddard
If you go down to the lemon Grant Goddard
The motionless car stood sideways across the road with its four doors wide open. A road accident? Moving nearer, nobody was visible either in the car or on the roadway...
The man who mistook his wife for a hat : 2006-2009 : Enders Analysis by grantgoddard
The man who mistook his wife for Grant Goddard
1976. With trepidation, I knocked on the door of the Durham student newspaper to volunteer, opened it and encountered a cacophony of shrill, loud voices in an office no...
I just looked around and he was gone : 1979 : Jerry Dennis, Durham University by grantgoddard
I just looked around and he was Grant Goddard
"I am here for the Accommodation Office, please," I said with trepidation to the uniformed man behind the huge wooden reception desk in the lobby of the Old Sh...
I can't dance to that music you're playin' : 1970 : Emperor Rosko, Paris Theatre by grantgoddard
I can't dance to that music you' Grant Goddard
"Would you like to dance?" the girl asked. I was dumbfounded. Nobody had ever asked me to dance. Particularly a girl! "Er, no thanks," I mumbled path...
One little indie music show : 1980-1981 : Saturday night 10 to 12, Metro Radio by grantgoddard
One little indie music show : Grant Goddard
"You will present a weekly two-hour rock music show on Saturday night," my manager informed me. No if's or but's. No offer over which to mull. No demo tape to...
Economics! Economics! Read all about it! : 1974 : Mr Hodges, Strode's College by grantgoddard
Economics! Economics! Read all Grant Goddard
"Each of you will subscribe to 'The Times' newspaper and read it every day," Mr Hodges told us. "In class, we will discuss one of its news stories about e...
The spy who disliked me : 2003 : Eva Koekelbergh, The Radio Authority by grantgoddard
The spy who disliked me : 2003 : Grant Goddard
"Do you know who I am?" my workplace colleague shouted down the phone. "Do you know who I work for?" I suspect customer service personnel at Fortnum...
Don't play that song for me : 2004 : unusual FM radio formats, Phnom Penh by grantgoddard
Don't play that song for me : Grant Goddard
Here in Phnom Penh, there are seventeen radio stations on the FM dial, even though Cambodia's capital city has a population of less than a million. But you are more like...
My elderly mother, secret telecoms entrepreneur? : 2014 : Virgin Mobile by grantgoddard
My elderly mother, secret Grant Goddard
"Just putting you through, dear." Thousands of calls received each day demanding telephone numbers of businesses and individuals across the country. Shelves of...
Flying home for Christmas ... eventually : 1995 : Sheremetyevo Airport, Moscow by grantgoddard
Flying home for Christmas ... Grant Goddard
"Ground staff have told me our plane is four inches too close to the gate," the pilot announced in a tone midway between bewilderment and exasperation. "I...
The media analyst in the cupboard : 2006-2009 : Claire Enders, Enders Analysis by grantgoddard
The media analyst in the Grant Goddard
"CRUELLA DE VIL", our teacher had chalked onto the blackboard at the front of our classroom hut. We had been reading aloud excerpts from the 1956 children's no...
Land of a thousand cockroaches : 1986-1987 : Deptford Housing Co-op, London by grantgoddard
Land of a thousand cockroaches : Grant Goddard
"Gimme your money!" he shouted, pointing a pistol at me. He had jumped out from behind some bushes. It was a dark winter evening. I was alone. Nobody was about...
Health & safety & death in the workplace : 2004 : BBC World Service, Phnom Penh by grantgoddard
Health & safety & death in the Grant Goddard
We were standing in a concert hall designed like a futuristic room on the 'Discovery One' spaceship in the film '2001'. Every feature was brilliant white. White plastic...
If you can't stand accounts, get out of the kitchen : 1966 : Whites of Camberley by grantgoddard
If you can't stand accounts, get Grant Goddard
"Grant, why haven't you written anything? What did you do yesterday evening?" Our teacher had walked along the row of desks in the classroom and noticed that I...
Some men see things as they are & ask 'Why change?' : 2003 : Neil Stock, Ofcom by grantgoddard
Some men see things as they Grant Goddard
A colleague would arrive at my workplace some Mondays with evident cuts and bruises. A tragic case of domestic violence? No. He was a loyal fan of Millwall Football Club...
Kick studio-bound public radio production into public spaces : 2011 : BBC Radio by grantgoddard
Kick studio-bound public radio Grant Goddard
Technological advances made during the last two to three decades have changed our world almost beyond recognition. Everyone now has the ability to be almost permanently...