Radiostation Stories

63 Stories

One small step for radio, a giant leap for black music : 1990 : KISS FM launch by grantgoddard
One small step for radio, a Grant Goddard
The final few days before KISS FM's official launch were a blur of frenetic activity and outright panic. It was only at this late date that construction of the three stu...
Don't play that song for me : 2004 : unusual FM radio formats, Phnom Penh by grantgoddard
Don't play that song for me : Grant Goddard
Here in Phnom Penh, there are seventeen radio stations on the FM dial, even though Cambodia's capital city has a population of less than a million. But you are more like...
Baby, we were bored to death : 2000 : FM radio station market, Toronto by grantgoddard
Baby, we were bored to death : Grant Goddard
Why does Toronto have such insipid and boring radio? Our city is vibrant, artistic, culturally diverse and entertaining, so why is none of that reflected in our uninspir...
Why are Canadian radio station audience data a state secret? : 2000 : BBM Canada by grantgoddard
Why are Canadian radio station Grant Goddard
Letters to the Editors, Marketing Magazine, Toronto Dear Sirs I am a radio programming consultant based in Toronto with twenty years' experience in the industry. My work...
The great brains robber fearful his collar... : 1991 : Gordon McNamee, KISS FM by grantgoddard
The great brains robber fearful Grant Goddard
"If this gets out, we're screwed," my boss told me. Actually, I have paraphrased because at least one expletive was guaranteed in this man's every sentence. He...
I can't dance to that music you're playin' : 1970 : Emperor Rosko, Paris Theatre by grantgoddard
I can't dance to that music you' Grant Goddard
"Would you like to dance?" the girl asked. I was dumbfounded. Nobody had ever asked me to dance. Particularly a girl! "Er, no thanks," I mumbled path...
Knock me down with a mugger : 1986 : Share A Capital Christmas, Capital Radio by grantgoddard
Knock me down with a mugger : Grant Goddard
Blam!! A sudden force on my back knocked me over in a second. No time to figure out what had just happened. I was sprawled front-down on the floor with a weight on my ba...
One good turn deserves a cold shoulder? : 2004 : BBC World Service, Phnom Penh by grantgoddard
One good turn deserves a cold Grant Goddard
"I understand you're an expert in messaging," said the woman sat behind the desk. I looked blank. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. If she m...
One little indie music show : 1980-1981 : Saturday night 10 to 12, Metro Radio by grantgoddard
One little indie music show : Grant Goddard
"You will present a weekly two-hour rock music show on Saturday night," my manager informed me. No if's or but's. No offer over which to mull. No demo tape to...
Health & safety & death in the workplace : 2004 : BBC World Service, Phnom Penh by grantgoddard
Health & safety & death in the Grant Goddard
We were standing in a concert hall designed like a futuristic room on the 'Discovery One' spaceship in the film '2001'. Every feature was brilliant white. White plastic...
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no regulation: 2003: Dumfries, Radio Authority by grantgoddard
See no evil, hear no evil, speak Grant Goddard
When my wife took a job at the United Biscuits factory in Harlesden, she understood she would be making 'Digestives' ... and she was correct. When I took a job at The Ra...
Land of a thousand cockroaches : 1986-1987 : Deptford Housing Co-op, London by grantgoddard
Land of a thousand cockroaches : Grant Goddard
"Gimme your money!" he shouted, pointing a pistol at me. He had jumped out from behind some bushes. It was a dark winter evening. I was alone. Nobody was about...
Stoking the star-maker machinery : 1980 : Kate Bush, EMI Records & Metro Radio by grantgoddard
Stoking the star-maker machinery Grant Goddard
"I'm SO sorry," I grovelled to the petite musician on whose foot I had just accidentally trodden. We were stood side-by-side in the record library - my 'office...
Walking on the Chinese glass ceiling : 2004 : FM 102 Radio, Cambodia by grantgoddard
Walking on the Chinese glass Grant Goddard
I was standing over the motionless body of my line manager. He was dead to the world, naked under the sheet on his bed. Neither my arrival in his studio apartment throug...
Kick studio-bound public radio production into public spaces : 2011 : BBC Radio by grantgoddard
Kick studio-bound public radio Grant Goddard
Technological advances made during the last two to three decades have changed our world almost beyond recognition. Everyone now has the ability to be almost permanently...
Sacked by a boss desperate to steal my success : 1991 : Gordon McNamee, KISS FM by grantgoddard
Sacked by a boss desperate to Grant Goddard
It was a little after seven o'clock in the morning when the phone rang. Normally, I would already have been out of bed by that hour on a weekday. However, the previous n...
The genesis of black music radio in London : 1970-1984 : Radio Invicta 92.4 by grantgoddard
The genesis of black music radio Grant Goddard
I only knew 'Roger Tate' (real name Bob Tomalski) through listening to his programmes on the radio. He was a DJ on 'Radio Invicta', London's first soul music radio stati...
I.V.130.0 by Annakayemj
The story of a radio host in a small, rural agricultural community where the paranormal and unusual are commonplace and generally ignored and written off as just another...
Caribbean drubbing on 'Armageddon-like' day : 2024 : Hurricane Beryl, Carriacou by grantgoddard
Caribbean drubbing on ' Grant Goddard
"Clackety-clack clackety-clack, from Kalamazoo to Timbuctoo, from Timbuctoo and back!" As a young reader, I learned these words by heart from a favourite child...
My application wins our pirate station a London radio licence : 1989 : KISS FM by grantgoddard
My application wins our pirate Grant Goddard
It was only just daylight when I suddenly realised that the phone was ringing. It seemed to take me ages to drag my weary body out of bed, as the phone continued to ring...