Dazed /deɪzd/ adjective 1.unable to think or react properly; bewildered. Namjoon seems to zone out a lot, leading to dangerous situations as it gets worse and worse. Is the stress of being Bangtan's leader causing this, or is something bad going on? //////////////////// Disclaimer: This story is not a depiction of reality, it is entirely fictional. The plot is randomly made up on a Wednesday afternoon, similarities to other stories are coincidental 😊 The characters in the story are based of course on real life people, but in no way do I pretend to know exactly how they would react, so the members might be 'out of character' in a lot of ways now and then. Cover picture is of course not mine, it's one of Joonie's own that I came across on Facebook one day! :) //////////////////// Warnings: - attempted kidnapping - stalker behaviour - angst (yo do I usually write a lot of angst? I don't even know, but this story sure has it) - violence (nothing... *too* bad...) This story has short chapters (^_^) Mind that the story is set on 'mature' and it quickly goes from bad to worse whooopss