In a world where advanced technology meets mystical artifacts, former Japan Self-Defense Force sergeant, Emi Sakamoto, finds herself ripped from her world by the enigmatic Tank-Kun during a mission gone awry. Transplanted into a parallel dimension teeming with high-tech marvels and alien species, Emi becomes the bearer of the Witchblade, an ancient artifact of immense power that manifests as a sentient suit capable of adapting to any threat. As Emi navigates her new reality, she discovers a sprawling metropolis filled with neon-lit skyscrapers and covert government agencies. Equipped with a cutting-edge suit that morphs from a sleek civilian guise-complete with smart glasses displaying AI systems, UI, and HUD-to a formidable battle armor with a penchant for revealing, yet protective, attire, Emi must learn to control the Witchblade's vast array of abilities.
65 parts