Katarina is an archaeologist who gets handed the find of a lifetime. Two Englishmen show up with her cousin saying that they've found the lost inhabitants of the world's greatest mythological city. Will they find the lost inhabitants of Atlantis? Will Katarina's career survive intact or will she be ridiculed by the archaeologic community? I found the picture on Bing images. Here is the web address. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Atlantis&view=detailv2&id=E9FF505D8187DCC894C1B65F42728E83CC03AB35&selectedindex=7&ccid=i65%2BLtwD&simid=608016466228479257&thid=OIP.M8bae7e2edc03f19c5436d20b65061eaeH0&mode=overlay&first=1