This is the story of Primrose Clementine Hawthorne and Christopher Miles Parker. The lives of two normal teenagers devoted to swimming. They both experienced great loss in their lives; Primrose lost her twin sister Penelope on their 8th birthday, disappearing without a trace and Chris obsessing over a father he's never met. It all happens when they get washed away into the ocean waking up to whole new world... More of a dimension... Not the past, not the future and definitely not the present... Not heaven, not hell. But a world of its own beauty, power and Enigma. And that's not it... A world where evil lurks... While they begin to realize how they ended up in this mysterious world of good and bad, they learn more and more of its mystery and secrets. Prim and Chris have so many questions... And they will not stop to find answers. They weight on their lives will soon be lifted once they come across something huge that will change them forever.
8 parts