This is Rosie, unlike EVERYBODY THAT I HAVE EVER MADE FRIENDS WITH I am an extrovert, I will understand and learn your interests in order to become your friend... EVEN IF YOU HATE ME 😊 I love you people!! Oh, except for you homophobic folk, unless you, not be a dick about the fact that me and all gays are different than you, keep being a straight line, unlike straight peoples dicks😏 Anyway, most of the time, I act like someone who belongs and/or looks like they belong in an insane asylum, my point being; I am crazy, and if you are too, join the damn club!!!
  • EntrouOctober 18, 2022

Última mensagem
Grass-is-JoJo Grass-is-JoJo Dec 05, 2022 03:02AM
Alright. So amazingly, people exist?!?!?! Though I knew this, the only people that constantly existed were the inner circle of DANK MEMERS, these people are like the mods in MRBEAST’S discord server...
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Histórias de Rosie; Rosetta |She/Gay|
Why... (SMUT :), de Grass-is-JoJo
Why... (SMUT :)
Rel is part frog... and Alexi has a 7 incher... why did I make this... take your innocence and kick it out th...
The Kind of person I am, de Grass-is-JoJo
The Kind of person I am
We've all had personal developments, and many of us have reasons that such has happened, but here's another d...
Dreams being sus, de Grass-is-JoJo
Dreams being sus
Our minds sometimes run wild and that will happen to all of us, but these are the chronicles of every single...
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